Queries may fail or even cause server crash.
Iqmsg reports errors like
0000000000 temp Bufman: Decompression error during Read; buffer={btype=10,nlb=16,blk=15478,pbn=932633,npb=3,uid=3623911612,mn=2,upmn=2,flgs=0x80000010 page={btype=10,nlb=16,npb=3,ctr=136,cta=
0000000000 134,pbn=932633,txn=0,sp=0,ver=1,pb=188,pus=15478}. slib/s_buf.cxx:1770
0000000000 Page dump for sbuf @ 0x7fcc60a31c00
0000000000 _dskBlk @ 0x7fc1ce0aa000
0000000000 Physical block #: 932633 (0xe3b19)
0000000000 Blocks read: 3
0000000000 Expected Pad1: 188 (0xbc), Pad2: 15478 (0x 3c76)
0000000000 File #1 (catid 16408): /path/IQ_SYSTEM_TEMP.iqtmp
0000008312 temp Bufman: Incorrect page header read; buffer={btype=10,nlb=16,blk=292071,pbn=3576316,npb=4,uid=3624238737,mn=2,upmn=2,flgs=0x80000010 page={btype=10,nlb=65285,npb=13599,ctr=15,c
0000008312 ta=16,pbn=1157161286002216975,txn=1157161286137483279,sp=269422607,ver=15,pb=16,pus=4111}. slib/s_trycatch.cxx:2153
0000008312 There was an s_buf::Read() error during s_bufman::Find().
0000008312 Exception Thrown from slib/s_blockmap.cxx:5942, Err# 0, tid 1023 origtid 1023
0000008312 O/S Err#: 0, ErrID: 2100 (s_corruptdiskblkhdrexception); SQLCode: -1009039, SQLState: 'QSA39', Severity: 14
0000008312 [20060]: temp Bufman: An error was detected on a database page. You may have a damaged index. For additional information, please check your IQ message file or run sp_iqcheckdb.
-- (slib/s_blockmap.cxx 5942)
- SAP IQ 15
- SAP IQ 16
temp bufman ; Decompression error ; incorrect page header ; s_bufman , KBA , BC-SYB-IQ , Sybase IQ , Problem
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