Customer upgraded their server version of SMP 3.0 SP03 PL01 to server version SMP 3.0 SP10 and start-up was successful/as expected.
However, after the upgrade from SMP 3.0 SP10 to patch version SMP 3.0 SP10 PL01, the start-up of SMP has failed. The same issue also occurs during the upgrade from SMP 3.0 SP10 PL01 to PL02.
The error log shows the following:
../installlog/SMPInstall.2016.02.01T18.00.40 (Upgrade from SMP 3.0 SP10 to SMP 3.0 SP10 PL01. ================================================================= (Feb 1, 2016 6:03:05 PM),
,, dbg, startService: command: E:\SAP\MobilePlatform3\Server\bin\svcutil.bat (Feb 1, 2016 6:03:05 PM),
,, dbg, startService: arguments: -start -quiet (Feb 1, 2016 6:03:07 PM), ,, err, ERROR: return value: 1 (Feb 1, 2016 6:03:07 PM),
,, err, ERROR: Upgrade failed ERROR: Input redirection is not supported, exiting the process immediately. ERROR: Input redirection is not supported, exiting the process immediately. ERROR: Input redirection is not supported, exiting the process immediately. ================================================================= The computer management service, the SMP 3.0 is present with the startup status Automatic (Delayed Start).
The log db ASE ( does not show any errors.
SMP SP10 PL01 and PL02.
KBA , MOB-SYC-SAP , Syclo Mobility for SAP backend , Problem
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