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2303165 - ERS error: OpenCluster failed either this is no cluster or Cluster Service is down


When starting an SAP system in a Windows Failover Cluster configuration or during a failover, the following error is shown in the Enqueue Replication Server (ERS  instance:


Check the developer trace dev_enrepha (<localdrive>:\usr\sap\<SID>\ERS<instance#>\work\dev_enrepha) of the ERS. The error is similar to this:

Thr 120] *** ERROR => OpenCluster failed either this is no cluster or Cluster Service is down [ensrepha.cpp 1071]

[Thr 120] *** WARNING => EnRepPollThread:Loop: failed to * HA software (rc=1): don't replicate [ensrepha.cpp 920]


During a failover of an SCS instance in a Java  system,  also a crash of the J2EE engine might happen. You get an output similar to this:

FATAL: Critical shutdown with exit code [11114] was requested due to [Enque Server was restarted without restarting the J2EE engine. This could lead to data inconsistencies and requires a restart of the entire system.]

 Image/data in this KBA is from SAP internal systems, sample data, or demo systems. Any resemblance to real data is purely coincidental.



Windows 2008 (or higher) Failover Cluster with configured SAP cluster group containing an (A)SCS instance.



failover cluster, mscs, ers, ascs, scs, enqueue replication server, 11114 , KBA , BC-OP-NT , Windows , BC-CST-EQ , Enqueue , Problem

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