Personas Menu ('P') is missing for specific users although the Personas add-on is installed correctly and works fine for other users.
Expected result:
SAP Screen Personas 3.0
SAP NetWeaver
missing P menu, flavor bar, st01, authorization, create, change not possible, hidden, hide, unhide, activate, deactivate, make available, settings,
configuration , sap-personas-runmode 0 , flavour bar , /personas/run_mode , disable_javagui , disable_webdynpro , disable_webgui , disable_wingui , hidden , personas p button , sap-personas-runmode , wd_disable_personas , KBA , BC-PER , SAP Screen Personas , BC-FES-WGU , SAP GUI for HTML , BC-FES-ITS , SAP Internet Transaction Server , Problem
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