You are using the report Profit Overview by Key Figure to derive the the profitability of a Sales Unit A.
Here you observe that for a particular General Ledger Account XXX the Amount in Transaction Currency is showing as 0,00 but its Amount in Company Currency has some value determined.
Reproducing the Issue
- Go to the Business Analytics work center.
- Select the Design and Assign Reports view.
- Select the report Profit Overview by Key Figure.
- Filter the report for the Sales Unit and customer in question and select the G/L Accounts Move to Rows.
- Click on Settings-> Key Figures, select Amount in Transaction Currency and Amount Company Currency and Save.
- Fill the Sales Unit and other required parameters and Select G/L Accounts and Move to Rows.
You will observe that for a particular G/L Account the Amount in Transaction Currency amount is showing 0,00 only but its Amount in Company Currency as some value determined.
If there is no money transaction happening in a transaction then the Amount in Transaction Currency shows as 0,00 and only Company Currency Amount will be updated.
For the G/L Account XXX if you found that all the records are of type Goods Issue for Customer i.e. Goods and Activity Confirmation then system doesn't use the transaction currency and will apply only company currency.
The reason is that since there is no money transaction is happening for Goods and Activity Confirmation transaction, hence there is no hard amount involved in the transaction and so doesn't contain transaction currency.
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