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2307645 - In BI 4.1/4.2, After implementing backup and restore, the SIA cannot be created.


  • As seen on few customer incidents, the issue specifically occurs after the backup and restore of BI4.x environment performed as per 1275068
  • After implementing backup and restore, the SIA canot be created.
  • The CMS crashes after attempting to start 5 times, with the below errors in the trace files:

    .\deploy.cpp:5105:-: TraceLog message 1
    |6f584512-dd1a-77e4-ab53-3a09735bf563|2016 04 14 22:00:06:744|+0200|Error| |>>|E| |CMS| 2392|1452|| ||||||||||||||||||||||assert failure: (.\deploy.cpp:5105). (false : Versioned update of object (xxxx,Promotion Management) failed.).�
    .\deploy.cpp:5395:-: TraceLog message 2
    |a7ee24be-8edc-7644-bae7-7e6e696c936e|2016 04 14 22:00:06:744|+0200|Error| |>>|E| |CMS| 2392|1452|| ||||||||||||||||||||||assert failure: (.\deploy.cpp:5395). (false : Error processing DFO: Default object with CUID (Ad7w68IutB5BjpD7GO8DWC4) can not be processed because it is incorrect. Check the log statements for additional details. (FWB 00071)).

    .\deploy.cpp:5105:-: TraceLog message 3
    |425e9c6a-d529-de94-0837-e9c3f64001ce|2016 04 14 22:00:09:459|+0200|Error| |>>|E| |CMS| 2392|1452|| ||||||||||||||||||||||assert failure: (.\deploy.cpp:5105). (false : Versioned update of object (xxxx,CrystalEnterprise.VMS) failed.).�
    .\deploy.cpp:5422:-: TraceLog message 4
    |2d63305b-8cc8-ae44-2a8a-5574439de2f0|2016 04 14 22:00:09:490|+0200|Error| |>>|E| |CMS| 2392|1452|| ||||||||||||||||||||||assert failure: (.\deploy.cpp:5422). (false : Deployment File BusinessObjects_Universe_pin.xml found to be older that the version already commmited (CUID=Ad0XbQf2K.5PiUhG6yGoR.8). Skipping commit. Properties causing the problem are: SI_PLUGIN_IS_WEBAPP_CONTENT).�
    .\deploy.cpp:5395:-: TraceLog message 5
    |cc962e87-b953-86d4-0905-0eeedfa1ec9d|2016 04 14 22:00:09:490|+0200|Error| |>>|E| |CMS| 2392|1452|| ||||||||||||||||||||||assert failure: (.\deploy.cpp:5395).
    (False : Error processing DFO : Default object with CUID ( AaKKaGaLJ15PstNK9G4e2Tk ) can not be processed because it is incorrect Check the log statements for additional details (FWB 00071 ) . . ) .

  • CMS cannot be started in serverconsole and crashes with the given errors in temp CMS traces.



  • SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform 4.1
  • SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform 4.2
  • SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform 4.3
  • Oracle Database (but may be an issue on other databases too)
  • All supported Operating systems 


SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform 4.1 ; SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform 4.2


Promotion management, BI 4.0, BI, 4.1, 4.2, BI 4.3, backup, restore, Ad7w68IutB5BjpD7GO8DWC4, BusinessObjects_LCM_dfo.xml, SIA, CMS, serverconsole , KBA , tskba , biadmin , biserver , BI-BIP-ADM , BI Servers, security, Crystal Reports in Launchpad , BI-BIP-SRV , CMS / Auditing issues (excl. 3rd Party Authentication) , Problem

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