When you are trying to merge two accounts the relations of Account Team Party Role from obsolete acount is transferred in the surviving account.
Example: Account XXX(where XXX represents an Account) is the new "main" account and gets merged with account XYZ(XYZ represents an Account) .
Customer XXX has Party Role manager John Doe (pulled from ECC) and customer XYZ has Party Role manager Jane Doe (manually created).
If both customers are merged then the remaining record shows both managers: John Doe and Jane Doe.
This leads to a mismatch between C4C and ECC.
Reproducing the Issue
1. Go Customer workcenter.
2. Create two new test Customer accounts
3. Add Party Role for both the accounts from relation Account Team.
4. Go to Data Cleansing workcenter.
5. Select Customer Merge and create a new Merge Account.
6. Fill the mandatory fields - save and close
7. Edit the new Merge Account
8. Select the options for the Surviving Account
9. Perform the Initiate Merge task from Actions tab
10. Check if the account has been successfully created without errors in Result Log
11. Now check the surviving account, there are two Party Role users from Account XXX and Account XYZ
Case 1: When there is a Main user in surviving account and not in the duplicate account:
Ex - When the Option Main while adding Account Team (Party Role) in XXX was selected and XYZ was not selected, the system shows both the store managers details in the merged account. Expected behavior.
Case 2: When there is a Main user in each Account:
Ex - When the Option Main while adding Account Team(Party Role) in XXX as well as XYZ was selected, the system behavior was as expected. Only the surving account store manager details showed in the merged account.
Every account, the surviving/master acount and the secondary account both should have a Main manager.
This will remove the conflict to choose both the managers and hence the manager from master record XXX will be selected and appear in the merged account.
Mark Main for only one Party Role user in master account.
And also, mark Main for only one Party Role user in the duplicate account.
Then perform the merge.
This will result in the Party Role users from account XXX to be the selected user after merge.
Account Team, Surviving Account, Party Role , KBA , SRD-CC-FED , Feeds , Product Enhancement