You are upgrading the release and you are not using AFI (Accounting for Financial Instruments) anymore. Instead only CRA (Basel II) solution. However then the upgrade guide for ASU content for a higher target release is not applicable in your current scenario, and you cannot switch the Accounting Scenario for Clients in the ASU tool as below:
The main detail is that the accounting scenario is greyed out. You cannot change it anymore
- Banking Services from SAP Bank Analyzer
/BA1/VAL_B0_CATT, Bank, Banking, Analyzer, Analytical, Change, Adjust, Replace, AFI, Greyed, Greyout, Out, Accounting Scenario, Merge, Disable, Disabled, CRA, Up Grade, ASU , KBA , FS-BA-PM-AFP , Accounting for Financial Products , FS-BA , Bank Analyzer , How To
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