- After execution of work item archiving write program (WORKITEM_WRI), the following error message is displayed:
Archiving Work Items: Write Program
No work items for archiving exist for your selection.
- Not all work items are selected by the Write Job.
- Archiving is only supported for completed workflows.
Image/data in this KBA is from SAP internal systems, sample data, or demo systems. Any resemblance to real data is purely coincidental."
- SAP Business Workflow
- SAP NetWeaver
- SAP Web Application Server for SAP S/4 HANA
- ABAP PLATFORM - Application Server ABAP
WF_GDPR, SWF_WORKFLOW, WFMSTD, WORKITEM_DEL, workflow archive, RSWWARCA, RSWWARCD, RSWWWIDE, RSWWHIDE, SAP_BO_2_WI_001, SAP_O_2_WI_001, WF_GDPR, SWF_WORKFLOW, WFMSTD, START-OF-SELECTION, delete lt_workitems2arch where wi_chckwi ne no_id., SELECT wi_id wi_type wi_text wi_cd wi_aed wi_aagent wi_rh_task wf_type wi_chckwi
FROM swwwihead into table lt_workitems2arch, SWWIHEAD WI_CHCKWI, Superordinate Work Items, WI_AED, text 004, Archivierung wird nur für beendete Workflows unterstützt, SWWLOGHIST , KBA , workitem_wri , BC-BMT-WFM , Business Workflow , Problem
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