SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2312267 - How to Change the Format of National ID Field or National Insurance Number for United Kingdom UK


You would like to change the format of national ID field from AA NN NN NN A  to AANNNNNNA.

Image/data in this KBA is from SAP internal systems, sample data, or demo systems. Any resemblance to real data is purely coincidental.


SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central - Localasation


If you are a Partner with access to provisioning please follow the below steps.

If you do not have access to Provisioning reach out to your implementation partner or if needed to SAP's Professional Services.

1. Export the Country Specific (CSF) data model XML.

2. Locate the country:   <country id="GBR">

-Change the line:   <display-format> AA NN NN NN A</display-format>   to   <display-format>AANNNNNNA</display-format>

-Change the line:  <reg-ex>[A-Za-z]{2} [\d]{2} [\d]{2} [\d]{2} [ABCDabcd]{1}</reg-ex>   to      <reg-ex>[A-Za-z]{2}[\d]{2}[\d]{2}[\d]{2}[ABCDabcd]{1}</reg-ex>

3. Import the CSF data model XML.

4. Confirm the changes in personal information.

See Employee Central Country Specifics Handbook Here 

<country id="GBR">

    <format-group id="national-id">

      <format id="NINO">

 <instruction xml:lang="de-DE">Nationale Versicherungsnummer</instruction>

        <instruction xml:lang="el-GR">Αριθμός Εθνικής Ασφάλισης</instruction>

        <instruction xml:lang="en-GB">National Insurance Number</instruction>

        <instruction xml:lang="es-ES">Número de seguro nacional</instruction>

        <instruction xml:lang="es-MX">Número de seguro nacional</instruction>

        <instruction xml:lang="fi-FI">Henkilötunnus</instruction>

        <instruction xml:lang="fr-CA">Numéro d'assurance nationale (Royaume-Uni)</instruction>

        <instruction xml:lang="fr-FR">Numéro d'assurance national</instruction>

        <instruction>National Insurance Number</instruction>

        <display-format>AA NN NN NN A</display-format>

        <reg-ex>(?!(BG|GB|NK|KN|NT|TN|ZZ))((?![DFIQUV])[A-Z]{1})((?![DFIOQUV])[A-Z]{1}) [\d]{2} [\d]{2} [\d]{2} [ABCD]{1}</reg-ex>




Add National Insurance Number VIA UI

  1. Go to Manage Business Confoguration or BCUI
  2. Job Infos
  3. select GBR
  4. add below information
  1. Identifier : NINO
  2. Label:National Insurance Number
  3. Display Format: AA NN NN NN A 
  4. Regular Expression: [A-Za-z]{2} [\d]{2} [\d]{2} [\d]{2} [ABCDabcd]{1}


FAQ - Additional Information

Q) Describle The format of the national ID i?

A) AA NN NN NN A To ensure the national ID is consistent, validation checks are implemented. The first two characters of the National Insurance Number should be alphabetic and must be one of the issued National Insurance Number prefixes; characters 3 – 8 are digits. The final character is alphabetic and can be anything from A to D

Q)  Describle the Format validation Rule?

A) The format follows these rules:

● A represents a letter

● N represents a number

● X represents any alphanumeric character

● * (asterisk) represents a special (for example, !) or an alphanumeric character

● yymmd (or similar) represents a date of birth


 National Insurance Number, National ID, Untide Kingdon , Regular Expression,Display Format NINO , KBA , LOD-SF-EC , Employee Central , LOD-SF-EC-LOC , Localization & Country Specifics (EC Core) , How To


SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central all versions