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2312315 - SUM fails to start an instance in phase MAIN_UPTRANS/STARTUP_PUPG


  • SUM reports that system start failed in the downtime phase MAIN_UPTRANS/STARTSAP_PUPG as sapcontrol was unable to start an instance, exiting with an return code of 1.
  • To confirm you have the same issue examine the Instance.out and Phases.log log files, these logs should show a call to a instance which is incorrect in the context of your current system, such as
    1. Wrong Instance Number
    2. Wrong Hostname
    3. Retired (Deleted) Instance ID referenced

 SUM Error.GIF

    • Instance.out

EXECUTING /usr/sap/trans/SUM/abap/exe/sappfpar check "pf=/usr/sap/<SID>/SYS/profile/<file name>"

==   Checking profile:     /usr/sap/<SID>/SYS/profile/<profile name>

    • Phases.log:

1 ETQ399 SAPCONTROL MANAGER: startWait with host: isudbq and instance: 04
3 ETQ399 20130504221554: PID 11141534 execute '/usr/sap/<sid>/<hostname>/exe/sapcontrol -prot NI_HTTP -host isudbq -nr 04 -function StartWait 300 10'.
3 ETQ399 Process output written to '/usr/sap/put/SUM/abap/log/SAPup.ECO'.
3 ETQ399 20130504221554: PID 11141534 exited with status 1
1 ETQ399 SYSTEM MANAGER: SAPControl action START failed for instance 04.
1EETQ399 SYSTEM MANAGER: START of mandatory instance 04 on server <Hostname> has failed
2EETQ354 Starting system failed, rc="-1"
4 ETQ010 Date & Time: 20130504221554 
1EETQ399 Last error code set is 'Process /usr/sap/<sid>/<hostname>/exe/sapcontrol exited with 1, see '/usr/sap/put/SUM/abap/log/SAPup.ECO' for details
System start failed
Earlier, validating the profile failed, see INSTANCE.OUT'
1EETQ203 Upgrade phase "STARTSAP_PUPG" aborted with errors ("20130504221554")

 The system manager output in the Phases.log can show several errors, below are two examples and their respective causes:

        1. 1EETQ399 SYSTEM MANAGER: START of mandatory instance 40 on server <Hostname><Instance Number> has failed. Cause: Profile detected for old instance ID e.g ASCS moved scenario.
        2. 1EETQ399 SYSTEM MANAGER: Instance <Hostname> <Instance Number>not found. Cause: Physical rather than virtual hostname stored in profile.  




  • SAP HANA 1.0
  • SAP HANA 2.0


KBA , BC-UPG-PRP , Upgrade Preparation , HAN-LM-INS-DB , Installation of HANA Database , Problem

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