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2313505 - Cockpits - zkau ajax with 467 Incomplete Request error


When user is accessing cockpit, Ajax 467 errors appear in all cockpits.This error comes when clicking around randomly in one of the cockpits, for example cmscockpit, productcockpit.The error is visible as an error popup or inside the network tab, an ajax request with 467 status.



There is no specific Hybris version responsible since the cause of this issue is compatibility issues between newrelic and zk jars. This issue is discovered in Hybris Commerce Suite and



SAP hybris Commerce 5.0.3 ; SAP hybris Commerce 5.0.4 ; SAP hybris Commerce 5.7 ; SAP hybris Commerce Suite 5.2 ; SAP hybris Commerce Suite 5.3 ; SAP hybris Commerce Suite 5.4 ; SAP hybris Commerce Suite 5.5 ; SAP hybris Commerce Suite 5.5-1 ; SAP hybris Commerce Suite 5.6


newrelic, cockpit, zkoss, zk, netwrok tab, ajax error, DHtmlUpdateServlet , KBA , CEC-SCC-CDM-BO-FRW , Framework , Problem

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