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2314776 - Generate RTF Report PK or Identifier not underlined in the diagram graphic- SAP PowerDesigner


Legacy (classic) Report Editor

  • In the diagram, the PK or Identifier is underlined in the Table \ Entity symbol. When you generate a RTF report that includes the Graphic report item, the underline for the (PK, identifier) is removed from the generated graphic.
  • If you generate a HTML report or a RTF report using the New Report Editor, the PK \ Identifier is underlined.



  • SAP PowerDesigner 16.5.5
  • SAP PowerDesigner 16.6


SAP PowerDesigner 16.5 ; SAP PowerDesigner 16.6


PI, primary, identifier, key, LDM, CDM, PDM, logical, physical, conceptual, data, model, PK , KBA , BC-SYB-PD , PowerDesigner , Problem

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