During a DB2 database instance upgrade on Windows, the following error appears:
The upgrade of the instance "DB2" has failed. The return value is "-100".
In the command prompt, the following error can be seen:
DBI1951W The instance "DB2<SID>" was not found in the instance list.
Upon checking the db2iupgrade.log and db2iupgrade_local.log.* found in the tmp folder, the following errors can be seen:
1: ERROR:The upgrade of the instance "DB2<SID>" has failed. The return value is "2". 1: ERROR:An error occurred while configuring the instance "DB2<SID>". Action <timestamp>: DB2CustomAction. Configuring DB2 instances 1: Configuring DB2 instances:.......Failure Action <timestamp>: DB2CustomAction. Configuring DB2 extended security 1: ERROR:SQL1390C The environment variable DB2INSTANCE is not defined or is invalid.
" was not found in the instance list."">
DB2 LUW on Windows
db2iupgrade, DB2INSTANCE , KBA , BC-DB-DB6-UPG , Upgrade SAP System , Problem
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