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2315685 - SAP IQ s_blockmap server abort at ConvertTo6BytePhysicalBlockIdsIfNeeded


  • The SAP IQ server crashes with an abort at s_blockmap.cxx:3216  with type hos_assertexception.
I. 04/26 00:24:04. 0000000000 **************************************************
I. 04/26 00:24:04. 0000000000 ***   Sybase IQ Abort:
I. 04/26 00:24:04. 0000000000 ***      From:  s_blockmap.cxx:3216
I. 04/26 00:24:04. 0000000000 ***      PID: 47668
I. 04/26 00:24:04. 0000000000 ***      Exception Location: 0x0x7f60b6e62210
I. 04/26 00:24:04. 0000000000 ***      Error ID: 533,  Exception Type: hos_assertexception
I. 04/26 00:24:04. 0000000000 ***      Thread: 3068540672  (TID: 1198, Original TID: 1198)
I. 04/26 00:24:04. 0000000000 ***      Error #: 3,  O/S Error #: 0
I. 04/26 00:24:04. 0000000000 **************************************************
  • A stack file is produced for a hos_throw.cxx:313 thread dump with a stack similar to this.
===== Thread Number  3068540672 =====
pc: 0x7f6166e51526 pcstkwalk(stk_trace*, int, db_log*, hos_fd*)+0x36
pc: 0x7f6166e51761 ucstkgentrace(int, int)+0x111
pc: 0x7f6166e527e1 DumpAllThreads(char const*, unsigned int, int)+0x111
pc: 0x7f6166c1aff6 hos_ABORT(char const*, unsigned int, hos_exception const&, char*, char*)+0x226
pc: 0x7f6166e754a1 Throw(hos_exception const&)+0x3e1
pc: 0x7f6166ddcfca hos_assertexception::ThrowException(char const*, int, hos_assertexception::errors)+0x2a
pc: 0x7f6166fcddd3 s_blockmap::RegisterPhysicalBlockId(s_bufman_errorInfo*, unsigned long long, unsigned long long, unsigned char, int, unsigned long long, unsigned int, int)+0x83
pc: 0x7f6166fce787 s_blockmap::AllocOrReallocPhysicalBlocks(s_bufman_errorInfo*, s_buf*, hos_bio::allocPrivilege, unsigned long long, unsigned int, int, int, unsigned long long*, unsigned int*)+0x327
pc: 0x7f616706043a s_buf::Write(s_bufman_errorInfo*, hos_bio::allocPrivilege, int)+0x22a
pc: 0x7f616706ada6 s_bufpool::Sweep()+0x3e6
pc: 0x7f616705426d s_bufman::Sweep()+0xad
pc: 0x7f616705b10d s_washWorkIter::ExecWork(int&, unsigned int)+0xd
pc: 0x7f6166e69ee7 workAllocator::DoWork(unsigned int)+0xb7
pc: 0x7f6166e6ef8e hos_thread::Main()+0x20a
pc: 0x7f6166df6448 hos_lwtask::Start(hos_lwtask*)+0x58
pc: 0x7f65ec64171d IQWorkerStarter(void*)+0x4d
pc: 0x7f65ecbfbf7d run_task_body+0x2d
pc: 0x7f65ec7e01c7 UnixTask::pre_body(void*)+0x77
pc: 0x3330c07aa1
pc: 0x33308e893d
  • The iqmsg file may contain an additional ConvertTo6BytePhysicalBlockIdsIfNeeded blockmap failure message prior to the stack (or it will be the top call in the aborting stack, above s_blockmap::RegisterPhysicalBlockId ).
I. 04/26 00:24:04. 0000000000 ConvertTo6BytePhysicalBlockIdsIfNeeded; _blockmap @ 0x7f6204cb9a58
I. 04/26 00:24:04. 0000000000 Blockmap Member Variables for 0x7f6204cb9a58
I. 04/26 00:24:04. 0000000000 From s_garray.cxx:305



SAP IQ 15.4 releases prior to ESD 6

SAP IQ 16 releases prior to SP08


SAP IQ 16.0 ; SAP Sybase IQ 15.4


crash, abort, failure, Sybase, mpx, multiplex, writer node, cn, simplex, coordinator, invalid, blockmap , KBA , BC-SYB-IQ , Sybase IQ , Problem

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