Using the calculated salary field from entity "EmpCompensationGroupSumCalculated" in an interface created via Integration Center.
Issue :
For some of the employees , the calculated salary field is appearing both on UI and ouput file generated.
For some of the employees , the calculated salary field is appearing ONLY on UI and not in the ouput file generated.
Root Cause for the issue :
It is a limitation of the "EmpCompensationGroupSumCalculated" API entity where the results appear correctly only if 50($top=50) records are fetched at once.
But in Integration Center, by default the page size is 200 and hence the inconsistency.
Solution :
To overcome the API limitation, we have a fix in Integration Center where the user is given a provision to select the page size in the application itself.
This particular field has following values in the dropdown (25,50,100,200,300,500,750 and 1000).
You need to choose the page size as 50 in this case and the issue of inconsistency in salary will be resolved and salary will appear both on UI and File.
And in order to set the 'Query Page Size' in Integration Center, login to SFSF Instance and navigate to 'Admin Center -> Integration Center -> My Integrations' and click on the edit interface option.
Now select the option as highlighted below-
KBA , LOD-SF-INT-INC , Integration Center , LOD-SF-INT , Integrations , Problem