After the logon through webgui some users may report getting the following logoff screen:
Or a similar logoff message like: You will be logged off!Please call the user help desk
- SAP GUI for HTML (Webgui)
- Internet Transaction Server (ITS)
- SAP NetWeaver
Die Abmeldung fand am um Systemzeit statt, HTTP 200 - OK, Ihr SAP Internet Communication Framework Team, Your, The logoff took place at system time.
Webgui lässt sich nicht starten. Es erscheint Abmeldeseite, SAP GUI for HTML Verbindung geschlossen direkt nach Start
Logged Off Successfully, Zugriff, You have logged of from the system, what has happened, getcomputername , KBA , you have been logged off , goodbye , getcomputername , BC-FES-ITS , SAP Internet Transaction Server , BC-FES-WGU , SAP GUI for HTML , Problem
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