Crystal Reports unable to display euro symbol.
Here is what is happening ...
- Measure Text form produces an HTML
- RTF Converter is Converting the HTML into RTF and saving to file.
- In this file the euro symbol is represented by \lang3081\'80
- If you open this file in MS Word or Wordpad - the euro symbol is displayed appropriately.
- However, Crystal can not interpret it as a euro symbol. It displays it as some unknown character.
- I have also tried to use € in the rtf file instead of \lang3081\'80
- This also works in Wordpad, however in Crystal the Symbol does not get displayed.
- At the moment, it appears to be an issue with Crystal.
Crystal Reports uses the Glyph's that are part of the Font family.
When selecting a currency symbol typically you could simply copy the character from Word or other source and paste it into the Currency Symbol box. In CR Designer you see the character.
However, when viewing or exporting you may not get the same results.
To work around this do the following:
- Open Windows Character Map tool and find the currency symbol you want to use. Also note, this font must be installed on everyones computers who will be processing this report. If publishing to BOE on a UNIX OS then be sure to install that font set as well:
- Notice I am using the Arial font and the symbol value for the Euro is hexidecimal 20AC, bottom left corner. As well for old legacy formatting you could use the keyboard keystroke Alt+0128 but this will not work in Crystal Reports.
- Now open the Calculator and convert x20AC to decimal format and you get 8364.
- Open CR Designer and select Edit Field on your currency field.
- Check on the Display Currency Symbol and then the Customize... button.
- Click the Currency tab and next to the Currecny Symbol click the X+2 to create a formula.
- Enter this: chrw(8364)
- Click the OK buttons and preview.
You should now see the report with a Euro symbol for the currency character.
crystal reports, currency symbol, euro, pound , KBA , BI-RA-CR , Crystal Reports designer or Business View Manager , Problem