During an upgrade/update using Software Update Manager (SUM) , its held up without performing any activities during SUM phase:Deploy SAPJVM components with error as :
Error message seen in the TroubleTicket_xx.txt log file:
An error has occurred during the execution of the Deploy SAPJVM components step with action execute. Service failed with the following message:
Could not update components.
[Info ]: Command line: <Drive>:\usr\sap\<SID>\SYS\exe\uc\NTAMD64\sappfpar all pf=//<hostname>/sapmnt/<SID>/SYS/profile/<SID>_J00_<hostname>
[Info ]: Standard out: <Drive>:\PO_Instals\SUM\SUM\sdt\tmp\Sappfpar_XX.out
[Info ]: Process ID 20 has been started.
[Info ]: Waiting for process ID 20, name sappfpar to finish.
[Info ]: Process ID 20, name sappfpar has been finished, exit code -1073741515.
Manually executing sappafpar from command-line propmt ends with missing or incomatible windows DLLs.
SAP systems on a Windows-based operating system.
SUM, Software Update Manager, SAPJVM, sappfpar, -1073741515, UPDATE_SAPJVM , KBA , BC-UPG-TLS-TLJ , Upgrade tools for Java , Problem
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