For the Belgium “National Register Number” the following format shall be provided in the system:
Display format: YY.NN.NN-NNN.NN
Regular Expression: [\d]{2}.[\d]{2}.[\d]{2}-[\d]{3}.[\d]{2}
The following format changes need to be completed in the Country Specific XML for Succession Data Model.
To have this change completed, please log a ticket with Support Engineer, SAP Product Support support
Deep Validation logic:
If National ID deep validation check-box is not enabled then:
- Valid values should be as per the regular expression format in CSF SDM.
- For Invalid values - validation should be thrown to match the regular expression values.
If National ID deep validation check-box is enabled then:
- Valid values should be as per the logic defined for the respective country.
- If a valid matching the regular expression as per CSF SDM is updated, but that value doesn't match the logic defined for that country then validation should be thrown.
- Belgium
- Deep validation for Belgium National Register Number.
- National Identity
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