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2318661 - "slib/s_dpidx.cxx:7247" and "slib/s_dpidx.cxx:7248" error happened while loading data.


A load job failed with "slib/s_dpidx.cxx:7247" and "slib/s_dpidx.cxx:7248" Non-Fatal IQ Internal Errors.
Also, the same error happened while executing an update statement against a different table.
Commonly, "slib/s_dpidx.cxx:7247" error was followed by "slib/s_dpidx.cxx:7248".
It is same in the sequence of the two errors between the load table and the update statement.
But, the stacktrace from the errors are different.

1) s_dpidx error in LOAD TABLE

0000120729 Txn 276061051 0 275830276
0000120729 t1386 *** OWNER001.TAB001.ASIQ_IDX_T6751_C121_FP(bigint): empty regions in ridmap.
0000120729 OWNER001.TAB001.ASIQ_IDX_T6751_C121_FP
0000120729 6554561, 203644737, 270425857, 270442177, 672002561,
0000120729 t1386 *** OWNER001.TAB001.ASIQ_IDX_T6751_C121_FP RidMap:
0000120729 barray t1386 C121 BEGIN dump RidMap:
0000120729 barray t1386 C121 startRecid=4192257 endRecid=4208576 block=1 hasNBit=1
0000120729 barray t1386 C121 startRecid=4208577 endRecid=4224896 block=2 hasNBit=0
0000120729 barray t1386 C121 startRecid=2080701185 endRecid=2080717504 block=1254 hasNBit=0
0000120729 barray t1386 C121 startRecid=2080717505 endRecid=2080730390 block=1260 hasNBit=0
0000120729 barray t1386 C121 END dump RidMap
0000120729 ** Non-Fatal IQ Internal Error Detected
0000120729 ** at slib/s_dpidx.cxx:7247 on thread 1386 (TID 1377)
===== Thread Number 1386 (IQ connID: 0000120729) =====
0000120729 (0) 0xc00000001727df30 _Z13ucstkgentraceii + .....
0000120729 (1) 0xc00000001727f240 _Z23StackTraceForThisThreadPKciS0_S0_S0_ + .....
0000120729 (2) 0xc00000001798a950 _ZN5hs_dp21CheckIndexConsistencyEi + .....
0000120729 (3) 0xc000000017a16f70 _ZN11hs_dpInsert8CompleteEv + .....
0000120729 (4) 0xc0000000163fabf0 _ZN8dfiio_FP13PostFetchOpusEv + .....
0000120729 5) 0xc0000000163f46b0 _ZN15dfo_IndexInsert13PostFetchOpusEv + .....
0000120729 (6) 0xc000000015fc61b0 _ZN27df_CombinerFinalFetchHelper8ExecWorkERij +.....
0000120729 ******************* End of STACKTRACE ******************
0000120729 ** Non-Fatal IQ Internal Error Detected
0000120729 ** at slib/s_dpidx.cxx:7248 on thread 1386 (TID 1377)


DBCC reported the FP index which shown in the message log was corrupted as below.
** Inconsistent Index,OWNER001.TAB001.ASIQ_IDX_T6751_C121_FP,******
FP Indexes Checked,150,
** FP has empty ridmap or merge regions,16,******

This case is similar to CR 797337 which was already fixed in SP10.15.

[stacktrace in CR 797337]
===== Thread Number 1591 (IQ connID: 0000081112) =====
.. void StackTraceForThisThread(const char*,...
.. void hs_dp::CheckIndexConsistency(int) ...
.. void hs_dpInsert::Complete() ...
.. int df_CompleteIter::ExecWork(int&,unsigned) ...
.. void workAllocator::DoWork(unsigned) ...
.. int hos_thread::Main() ...
.. int hos_lwtask::Start(hos_lwtask*) ...
.. void IQWorkerStarter(void*) ...
.. void*UnixTask::pre_body(void*) ...

2) UPDATE statement

0000296286 [20895]: Update Pass 1 completed in 16 seconds.
0000296286 [20895]: Update Pass 2 completed in 2 seconds.
0000296286 t443 *** OWNER001.TAB002.ASIQ_IDX_T6820_C16_FP(bigint): empty regions in ridmap.
0000296286 OWNER001.TAB002.ASIQ_IDX_T6820_C16_FP
0000296286 2214837313, 2214853633,
0000296286 t443 *** OWNER001.TAB002.ASIQ_IDX_T6820_C16_FP RidMap:
0000296286 barray t443 C16 BEGIN dump RidMap:
0000296286 barray t443 C16 startRecid=1 endRecid=16320 block=1 hasNBit=1
0000296286 barray t443 C16 END dump RidMap
0000296286 ********************************************************
0000296286 **
0000296286 ** Non-Fatal IQ Internal Error Detected
0000296286 ** at slib/s_dpidx.cxx:7247 on thread 443 (TID 17)
===== Thread Number 443 (IQ connID: 0000296286) =====
0000296286 (0) 0xc00000001727df30 _Z13ucstkgentraceii + .......
0000296286 (1) 0xc00000001727f240 _Z23StackTraceForThisThreadPKciS0_S0_S0_ + .......
0000296286 (2) 0xc00000001798a950 _ZN5hs_dp21CheckIndexConsistencyEi + .......
0000296286 (3) 0xc0000000179d2880 _ZN5hs_dp11GetIdentityERi + .......
0000296286 (4) 0xc00000001a326e50 _ZN11db_IndexDef18FlushIndexIdentityEv + .......
0000296286 5) 0xc000000019f62fb0 _ZN11db_IndexDef19CloseSIndexWithLockEP7s_indexi + .......
0000296286 (inlined) _ZN11db_IndexDef11CloseSIndexEP7s_indexi at dblib/db_index.cxx:823
0000296286 (6) 0xc000000019f65ea0 _ZN11db_IndexDef15CloseSIdxUpdateEP13s_indexUpdatei + .......
0000296286 (7) 0xc00000001a1edba0 _ZN12db_sqlinsert13UpdateCleanUpEii + .......
0000296286 (8) 0xc00000001a1f44d0 _ZN12db_sqlinsert13UpdateExecuteEv + .......
0000296286 (9) 0xc00000001a1b3c90 _ZN12db_sqlinsert7ExecuteEv + .......
0000296286 (10) 0xc000000019cd2400 _ZN10st_command24DoCmdThroughResourceGateEv + .......
0000296286 (11) 0xc000000019d9c9c0 _ZN8st_iqdml6UpdateEP11a_statementP12UIConnectionP8UICursor + .......
0000296286 (12) 0xc0000000159e36a0 UIQDML_Update + .......
0000296286 ******************* End of STACKTRACE ******************
0000296286 **
0000296286 ** End of stack trace from Non-Fatal IQ Internal Error slib/s_dpidx.cxx:7247
0000296286 **
0000296286 **
0000296286 ** Non-Fatal IQ Internal Error Detected
0000296286 ** at slib/s_dpidx.cxx:7248 on thread 443 (TID 17)


No error detected on this table from DBCC.



SAP IQ 16.0 SP10 PL15


SAP IQ 16.0


IQ, empty regions in ridmap, s_dpidx, CR 798792, CR798792, 798792, ridmap, hs_dp::CheckIndexConsistency, CheckIndexConsistency, _ZN5hs_dp21CheckIndexConsistencyEi , KBA , BC-SYB-IQ , Sybase IQ , Problem

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