This is a collection of useful articles related to Time Off
Reproducing the Issue
Before opening an case with Product Support perform the following sanity checks on your configuration/data - bearing in mind most issues are due to a configuration issue:
- The feature is correctly enabled, as described in the related Implementation Handbook
- Correct permissions are granted to the administrator/end-user to be able to use the tool (as specified in the Implementation Handbook)
- Has the configuration changed recently?
- Was it working before the recent changes?
- Can the recent change be un-done so re-testing can be performed?
- Can the issue be reproduced for just 1 or multiple users?
- If the issue is reproducible for all it is still likely to be a permissions issue or wide scale configuration issue.
- If it seems to be related to 1 or a small user population - the next step is to check and verify the permissions are correctly granted.
- Is the data correct? (Ensure that any recent configuration changes you have made have not caused any data inconsistencies)
- Have you verified that, according to the related Implementation Handbook, the feature is configured according to Best Practices recommended in the handbook?
Tips & Tricks
Below are some tips and tricks recommended by Product Support, which you should consider first before opening a Support case:
FAQ Index
- Configuration and Data Issues
- Features Not Currently Supported or the Behavior is Expected
- Accrual/PEP Rule Examples
- Admin Tasks - Best Practices
- Migrating to Time Off Leave of Absence from Legacy Leave of Absence
Error While Accessing Workbench or Time Off ESS UI:
- 2285614 - Stuck on Loading When Requesting Time Off Leave of Absence
- 2238921 - Application error while accessing Time Off page
- 2650593 - Application error in Time Off ESS UI and Workbench
- 2595173 - Time Off Requests not Displayed Due to an Error in Time Records Workbench Tab
Holiday Calendar and Work Schedule Issues:
- 2225760 - System is unable to detect the configuration for Work Schedule & Holiday Calendar in Time Off
- 2330818 - Time Off Effective Dating on Work Schedule Not Respected
- 2332801 - Work Schedule Changes Locked Due to Job Info References
- 2685132 - Unable to Edit or Delete Work Schedule
Team Absence Calendar (TAC)
- 2648350 -Employee's absences are not displayed in team absence calendar
- 2908765 - Team Absence Calendar Enhancements & Limitations
- 2377300 - Team absence calendar enhancements
- 3121130 - Team Absence Calendar Week Number Display Logic
Manage Time Off and Time Off Tabs:
- 2304579 - The Codes ECT_ESS, ECT_MSS, ECT_ABS_TIME_OFF, are Appearing in the Employee Info Dropdown
- 2369213 - Manage TimeOff Missing after upgrade in PP3
- 2369288 - Time and Attendance Link Usage
- 2162407 - The ‘Edit | Cancel Request’ link is not visible beside the time off request in the employee's Manage Time Off
- 2346811 - How to Calculate Calendar Absence Duration
- 2369569 - Managers cannot view Time Records on PP3 Time Off Admin Workbench
- 2518855 - Time off and Time Sheet Blocks not Visible in PP3
- 2558149 - Time Off: How to start a Time Off Leave of Absence from Take Action (v12 and PP3)
Error while creating Time Off objects:
- 2332753 - Leave of Absence return to work Error while creating a Time type
- 2332737 - Leave of absence plan event error while creating a time type
Period End Processing:
- 2149882 - Time Off Period End Processing: Received an empty csv file after simulation
- 2262412 - TIME OFF PEP CALENDAR: All Time account types are not displayed while creating a pep calendar
- 2262369 - TIME OFF PEP calendar failure-Possible causes
- 2262434 - TIME OFF PEP: ERROR_RUNTIME - Parent cannot be null for creating new child!. Please check rule definition.
- 2584231 - Period End processing simulation failed
- 2420537 - Period End Processing Error - DETAIL_WRONG_BOOKING_DATE
- 2413421 PEP run failed without any logs but simulation was successful
Business Rules - Calendar, Hire, Accrual and Termination:
- 2355727 - Time Off Best Practices: Correcting Accrual Postings
- 2309386 - Accrual Rule's Re-run Posting is Different
- 2276578 - Wrong Accruals When Based on Seniority (0 posting for New Hires)
- 2327342 - Time Off Accrual Mid-Year Recalculation Based on FTE
- 2174048 - Time Account Accruals not created for “some” users - Employee Central
- 2352163 - Time Off: Rehire Accrual Calculation
- 2352585 - Suspend Accrual Entitlement During Days Off
- 2367344 - Hire and Termination Rule fields on the Time Account Type are missing
- 2572321 - TLM Trigger Recalculation Job is Failing
Leave Request, Approval, Cancellation:
- 2275958 - Request Time Off Error "There are already absences"
- 2291484 - Leave of Absence - Error When Posting Time Request
- 2324729 - EC Time Off: Error while canceling leave request
- 2345774 - Absence Doesn't Disappear After cancellation
- 2374352 - Time Off: Employee receives a system error when requesting leave
Termination Issues:
- 2324847 - Time Off application error while Terminating an Employee
- 2249532 - Application error while Terminating an Employee
- 2436291 - Application Error When Attempting to Terminate Employee
- 2340295 - Able to Post Absence Requests for Terminated Users
- 2232119 - Accruals continue for some Terminated Employees
- 2346895 - Time Account Balance as of Termination Date is Incorrect
- 2309378 - Importing Time Account Details
- 2315354 - Work Schedule Import Template Error
- 2336046 - Time off module has been processed e-mail notification
- 2353485 - Time Off Calendar Imports - Best Practice Guidelines
- 2429127 - Time Accounts are not Created Automatically after Import
- 2581328 - Limitations of Employee Time import - Employee Central
Time Account:
- 2309405 - Extending Manually the Bookable Period on a Time Account
- 2346963 - Changes in Time Account do not Reflect in Manage Time Off
- 2709958 - Error on Time Accounts Tab on the Workbench
- 2417228 - How to Delete a Time Account from Employee Central
- 2238847 - Time Off Account Creation not Getting Generated Automatically for Future Dated Hires
Time Off Calendar Jobs:
- 2384532 - Time Off Recalculation Job Failing:Error AccrualPeriodBooking.getBookings() of a null object
- 2385639 - Time Off: Accrual scheduled jobs are not running: Error NPE on employeetimeaccount.TimeAccountType.getAccountCreationDay()
Rule Examples:
- 2376308 - Posting monthly accruals based on total number of days and leaves taken in previous month
- 2149244 - TIME OFF: Configuring Period End Processing rule when employee has negative leave balance at the end of the year
- 2276768 - Post accrual on the last day of the month
- 2381877 - Time Off rule logic to fetch last working day or termination date
- 2522227 Take rule for floating holidays-EC-TimeOff
- 2852919 - How to configure a take rule to trigger only in certain actions in Time Off.
- 2809483 - Time Off Workflow Rule Configuration
Features Not Currently Supported or the Behavior is Expected
Some customer requirement may end up saying "not currently supported by the system " or an "expected behavior".Here is the list of such kind of issues
Team Absence Calendar (TAC)
- 2338821 - Hide Team Absence Calendar
- 2346092 - Behavior of Team Absence Calendar with global assignment- Same Host and Home Manager
- 2377328 - Team absence calendar behavior: home page and time off page
- 2377300 - Team absence calendar enhancements
Leave of Absence (LOA)
- 2354737 - Leave of Absence Functionality is Not Working as Expected
- 2377221 - Manage Leave of absence link not displayed in take action after enabling PP3
- 2558149 - Time Off: How to start a Time Off Leave of Absence from Take Action (v12 and PP3)
- 2317935 - Legacy Leave of Absence Workflow OnSave Rule Not Triggered
- 2324825 - EC Time Off - "Requesting" field is not displayed while applying Leave of absence
- 3103944 - Prevention of Special Record Creation in Job History ECT-130989 - 2H 2021
Time Off ESS UI and Admin Workbench
- 2352082 - How to Hide the Time Account Balance as of Termination
- 2320269 - Leave Request is displayed in different colour in the Time Off screen and Time Off Workflow Approval screen
- 2285457 - Time Off: Hide Requesting field
- 2333846 - Comments field in Time Off cannot be made mandatory
Work Schedule
- 2332801 - Work Schedule Changes Locked Due to Job Info References
- 2302123 - How to set a Work Schedule to Inactive?
- 2276789 - Configure Work schedule to set the last Saturday as working day
- 2685132 - Unable to Edit or Delete Work Schedule
- 2634496 - Work Schedule Not Displaying Public Holidays
- 2326472 - Time Off approval request are displayed as Change generic Object actions in Manage Workflow Requests
- 2276821 - Trigger workflow on Manual Adjustment of Time Off
- 2231444 - Time Off Workflow notification issues with “Type-of-Action” and “Effective Date” tokens
Hire, Rehire, Accruals, Accounts, Bookings etc
- 2339990 - [Time Off] Unable to Edit Time Profile as it is Already Assigned
- 2332567 - Book Multiple Absences on the Same Day
- 2341096 - Accrual Posting When Terminated and Then Rehired Within the Same Accrual Period
- 2305795 - TIme Off:Permanent Time Accounts validity starts from Hire date
- 2327342 - Time Off Accrual Mid-Year Recalculation Based on FTE
- 2386906 - Accruals not posted during Rehire
- 2443360 - Time Accounts and Accruals are not Created Automatically When Creating Global Assignment for Users
- 2389250 - How to configure time off so that a user will not calculate accruals when they are on certain type of Leaves
Period-End Processing(PEP)
- 2378039 - Transfer balances between time accounts of different Time Account Types
Time Off Objects
- 2388006 - Time Account Types with daily accruals can not be based on Employee’s Hire Date
Accrual/PEP Rule Examples
Below are some good examples of Accrual Rules to calculate Accruals differently than the standard once a year posting, or a typical Accrual by Seniority
- 2376308 - ACCRUALS: Posting monthly accruals based on total number of days and leaves taken in previous month
- 2276768 - ACCRUALS: Post accrual on the last day of the month
- 2149244 - PERIOD-END: Configuring Period End Processing rule when employee has negative leave balance at the end of the year
Admin Tasks - Best Practices
- For Accrual "Recalculation" topics, please refer to the "Implementing Time Management in SAP SuccessFactors" Guide, chapter "Recalculation in Time Management" chapter found here
- 2355727 - Time Off Best Practices: Correcting Accrual Postings
- 2309378 - Importing Time Account Details
- 2353485 - Time Off Calendar Imports - Best Practice Guidelines
Migrating to Time Off Leave of Absence from Legacy Leave of Absence
When opening a support case, please ensure the following information is attached to the case
- Screenshot of the Error Message - also copy/paste the content of the error message to the case if possible (for JAVA errors or errorIds)
- Timestamp - Copy/paste the text from the "Show version information" popup into the case
- Is the issue replicable for all users or just some/one?
- Screenshots of granted users Role-Based Permissions settings (if the issue is related to field/function visibility)
- Screenshots of Object configurations (if you report an issue with a particular Time Account Type for example - please include screenshots of the Object as well as related Business Rules)
- Please provide detailed steps to reproduce the issue you are encountering - preferably including screenshots - Please make sure that the screenshot is full screen (meaning to show complete web page view) - any example users you can provide will help greatly
- When creating an issue, please answer following questions (answer whichever are applicable, if a question doesn't apply in a scenario then answer "Not Applicable"):
- Did this issue start recently?
- Was the same feature or functionality working before a particular release/patch (when did this start occurring from)?
- Is the issue reproducible for other users? (Does it impact 1 or multiple users - if so please give some examples of users with different Time Accounts where the same issue is occurring)
- If the issue is realted to a Picklist or Object field, then please attach an export of the Picklist/Object data, as well as a screenshot
Extra Notes:
- Accrual/Interim Update/Period-End Process - Please include screenshots of the Time Type & Time Account Type configurations, as well as related rules and Calendar Job runs
- UI/End User Errors - Please include screenshots of the error as well as copy/paste the error text into the case. Make sure that you give more than 1 example if possible.
- Calendar Jobs - Please specify which Calendar Job is in question and include a screenshot of the Details of the job, as well as Monitor Job screenshot showing when the job ran (Submission Time)
- Balance Issues - If you are reporting a discrepancy in an employees Time Off Balance, please can you ensure you provide both the UserID of the employee, and some examples showing which Time Account is impacted and what the expected Balance should be.
SF, success factors, EC, timeoff, LOA, RLOA, FAQ, time off , KBA , LOD-SF-EC-TIM , Time Off , LOD-SF-EC , Employee Central , How To