While Creating Sales Order User Get Error: please enter party with role store.
Reproducing the Issue
- G to the Sales Work center.
- Choose the Sales order view
- Choose the button New.
- Ccreate an order fill all mandatory fields liek account.
- Choose button Save and open
- Error "please enter party with role store" is poped up at bottom.
If the industry solution 'Retail' is scoped in the system. This Retail industry makes it mandatory to maintain a Store for a Sales Order. If the industry specifc flow is followed, the Store information is copied from Cart. As this is not done in your case, you are facing the issue.
Please de-scope the solution Retail etc which are not relevant for your business.
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SAP Cloud for Customer core applications 1708 ; SAP Cloud for Customer core applications 1711 ; SAP Hybris Cloud for Customer add-ins 1708 ; SAP Hybris Cloud for Customer add-ins 1711