- An A-OLAP workspace is connected to a BW BEx query that has a variable.
- One of the LOVs for the variable has a hyphen that is preceded by a space.
- When that value is selected and "OK" is clicked to execute the query, an error that states "The value entered is not valid for the variable '<Variable Name>' ..." is shown.
' ..." is shown after clicking "OK" to execute the query."> Read more...
- SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence Platform 4.1 SP07 - Patch 3
- Analysis for OLAP
SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform 4.1
-, \, SP7, SP8, forwardslash, hyphen, hyphenated, AOLAP, Analysis, prompt, space, incorrect value , KBA , BI-RA-AWB , Analysis, edition for OLAP (Web) , Problem
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