SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2320155 - How Advanced Search for Organization Management works?


In Organization Management, Advanced Search feature is not working as expected.

Reproducing the Issue

1. Go to Organization Management wokcenter and select Org Structure view.

2. Select Advanced Search.

3. Select your functions like Company, Sales Organization etc., under Advanced Search.

The resultant Org Structures list is not as per the expected results.


The new feature of Advanced Search has three options during selection.

If the selection of functions in Advanced Search is not according to the correct logic, the expected result is not fetched in the result list.



There are currently three options available in the Adavanced Search features:
Blank checkbox
Ticked checkbox
Solid checkbox

1. Blank refers : Exclude the selected functions
2. Ticked refers: Must include all the selected functions
3. Solid refers : May or may not include the selected functions.

The combination of blank box and ticked box selection criterias are associated with the logical operator AND.

The solid box selection criteria is similar to the logical operator OR.


1. Exclude all except Company - Tick Company in Advanced Search and leave other functions as blank.

2. Either of Sales OR Sales Org OR Marketing OR Reporting Line except Company, & Service & Service Org -

   Selection of solid checkboxes - Sales, Sales Org, Reporting Line

   Selection of blank checkboxes - Company, Service, Service Org



KBA , SRD-MD-OM , Organizational Management , Bug Filed


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