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2320273 - WARNING: mass import for LOBs is not supported: current SAP HANA database version


The Import of an ABAP based application terminates during the import stage with the following errors:

/usr/sap/<SID>/SYS/exe/uc/linuxx86_64/R3load: job finished with 4 error(s)
(DB) INFO: NewDB Kernel version                                  

(RDI) WARNING: /mnt/software/nw75/51050949/DATA_UNITS/EXP2/DATA/SAPSSEXC.STR: cannot find version token "ver:" at line 1

WARNING: /mnt/software/nw75/51050949/DATA_UNITS/EXP2/DATA/SAPSSEXC.STR: unknown file format, assuming version 2
WARNING: mass import for LOBs is not supported: current HANA database version '1.00.112.' is blocklisted* (version is in the range '' - '')
(DB) INFO: loading data in table "REPOSRC" with DBSL #20160519184031
(DB) INFO: REPOSRC deleted/truncated
(RFF) ERROR: invalid checksum in data file "/mnt/software/nw75/51050949/DATA_UNITS/EXP3/DATA/SAPSSEXC.004"
current table was "REPOSRC"
(DB) INFO: loading data in table "WDY_VSH_PHOLDER" with DBSL #20160519210700



SAP HANA, 1.0 platform edition


SAP HANA 1.0, platform edition


WARNING: mass import for LOBs is not supported, cannot find version token, unknown file format, ERROR: read from data file , KBA , blacklist , blacklisted , black list , HAN-LM-INS-SAP , Installation of SAP Systems on HANA , Problem

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