- During system update using Software Update Manager (SUM) the following error occurs in the phase MAIN_SHDCRE/EU_IMPORT1:
- The error displayed in the SUM Gui is "Last error code set: 1 error during parallel execution of processes, check 'EU_IMP1.ELG' for details"
- In the logfile EU_IMP1.ELG the following error is reported:
ERROR: Found pattern "R3load: job completed" 0 times, but expected 1!
Analyze the log file for further error messages or program abort. - In the logfile EX000009.LOG you can find error like:
R3load: START OF LOG: 20160...
(BLD) INFO: sccsid "@(#) $Id: //bas/745_REL/src/R3ld/R3load/R3ldmain.c#6 $ SAP"
(BLD) INFO: kernel release 745 [UNICODE]
(IMP) INFO: starting import for object "DDNTF~" of type "table" #2016....
(DB) INFO: DDNTF~ deleted/truncated #2016...
(DB6) Using ARRAY INSERT for table DDNTF~
Unable to allocate memory for indicators. buffer size: 41812992
(IMP) ERROR: ExeFastload: rc = 2
(DB) INFO: disconnected from DB
AIX operating system
KBA , BC-UPG-TLS-TLA , Upgrade tools for ABAP , BC-OP-AIX , IBM AIX , Problem
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