When running BW Content Activation for the DVM scenario, an error is encountered. The job log for the relevant job CCMS_BI_SETUP displays the following error:
"INFO: Post-Processing: Fill Aggregates for cube 0SM_STAT
ERROR: Post-Processing: Aggregates for cube 0SM_STAT couldn't be filled
INFO: Post-Processing: Fill Aggregates for cube 0SM_SIZES
ERROR: Post-Processing: Aggregates for cube 0SM_SIZES couldn't be filled
Error occurred, check the logs
Job cancelled after system exception ERROR_MESSAGE"
- SAP Solution Manager 7.1
- SAP Solution Manager 7.2
SOLMAN, CCMS_BI_SETUP, DVM, BW Content Activation, 0SM_SIZES, 0SM_STAT , KBA , SV-SMG-DVM , Data Volume Management , How To
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