- Executing column profiling on Information steward system, not allowing to drill down. It is giving the following error:
"A system error occured. Contact the administartor if the error persists (UIM-10142)."
- Application log file shows errors on MMT_* tables: "The optimizer could not find a unique index which it could use to perform an isolation level 0 scan on table 'ISWUSR.MMT_Ep_Proj_Ver_Map'."
- Also owner of these tables are different than the owner of the other tables from the repository.
- Unable to drill down into column profiling results
- Repository tables have different owners
SAP Information Steward - Data Insight
SAP Information Steward 4.2
IS, DI, profiling, optimizer , KBA , EIM-IS-DI , Information Steward - Data Insight , EIM-IS , Information Steward , Problem
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