Currently in the Agentry Client, the login screen is defaulted to a center alignment with X amount of field viewable display.
Agentry WinCE (SDK client) example
Login: _________ <-- This area is the viewable section
Password: _________
[] Allow user to change password
- When the user has a really long login name (ex: ) the default operation is for the cursor to move to the right and push the left most character away from the screen
- The user will not be able to confirm or verify if they type all the login correctly.
- Agentry 5.2.X (version)
- SAP Mobile Platform SDK 2.3
- SAP Mobile Platform SDK 3.0
Agentry 5.2 ; SAP Mobile Platform SDK 2.3 ; SAP Mobile Platform SDK 3.0
"Agentry Login Screen", "Agentry Login Display Length" , KBA , MOB-SDK-AGC , SAP Mobile SDK Agentry Clients , Problem
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