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2323119 - Error: " JDBC driver not supported for ORACLE database." during CREATE-SHADOW-ALIASES phase of Software Update Manager


During the upgrade of a SAP NetWeaver system using Oracle Database 12c, the following error occurs during phase CREATE-SHADOW-ALIASES:

May 20, 2016 5:40:12 PM [Error ]: Return code condition success evaluated to false for process java for action runhandler.

May 20, 2016 5:40:12 PM [Error ]: The following problem has occurred during step execution: Could not complete DMT process. Check the DMT.DROP_ALIAS.LOG log file.
Could not execute DMT command runhandler with arguments /upgrade/SUM/sdt/config/DMT.DROP_ALIAS.xml.
Return code condition success evaluated to false for process java for action runhandler.

The DMT.DROP_ALIAS_01_01.ERR log has the following lines:

Execution failed: Program has finished with error. Exit code: 1
Execution has been terminated. More information can be found in the log file /upgrade/SUM/sdt/log/DMT.DROP_ALIAS_01.LOG.
Could not execute DMT command runhandler. See previous messages.
Could not execute the list of statements.
Could not set up a database connection. See previous messages.
Could not establish open SQL connection. Exception Exception of type caught: JDBC driver not supported for ORACLE database... Exception of type caught: JDBC driver not supported for ORACLE database.. JDBC driver not supported for ORACLE database. JDBC driver not supported for ORACLE database.

Return code: 1



  • SAP NetWeaver
  • Oracle Database 12c


SAP NetWeaver 7.4 ; SAP NetWeaver 7.5


KBA , BC-UPG-TLS-TLJ , Upgrade tools for Java , Problem

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