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2323309 - Uncaught ReferenceError when running a deployed SAPUI5 application


After using the SAP WebIDE to create a simple SAPUI5 project, it works correctly from Web IDE, but when the application is deployed in the backend it does not run properly. The browser debugger shows an error similar to this one:

    Uncaught ReferenceError: sap is not defined

Which means that the SAPUI5 resources are not correctly addressed in the application and cannot be found.

This KBA intends to explain how the resources must be addressed in the application when working with the WebIDE.




SAPUI5, SAP WebIDE,  SAPNetWeaver ABAP or Java


UI add-on 1.0 for SAP NetWeaver 7.0 ; UI add-on 1.0 for SAP enhancement package 1 for SAP NetWeaver 7.0 ; UI add-on 1.0 for SAP enhancement package 2 for SAP NetWeaver 7.0 ; UI add-on 1.0 for SAP enhancement package 3 for SAP NetWeaver 7.0 ; UI add-on 2.0 for SAP NetWeaver


SAPUI5, WebIDE, uncaught ReferenceError, src=“/resources/sap-ui-core.js“, resources , KBA , CA-UI5-COR , Core and Runtime , How To

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