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2323603 - Targeted CR List for ASE 15.7 SP138


The purpose of this KBA is to help SAP customers obtain a general idea of potential fixed situations in future Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) EBF/SP or PL releases. Please be sure to read the Disclaimer below.

If the EBF/SP has been released, check the CR list and coverletter at the

Disclaimer: This document lists the targeted (not committed) release dates and the targeted fixed CR list for each release. Please be aware that the purpose of this posting is solely to provide you, our customers with estimated release dates and targeted CR lists. SAP does not commit to releasing on the specified dates or to including the CR fixes in the said release. While every effort will be made to meet the said targets, changes can occur at any time. It is also possible (although unlikely) that SAP may decide not to release an EBF/SP that was previously scheduled for release.

CR ListDescription
572789 KBA 2314036. Error message 911, "Attempt to locate entry in sysdatabases for database '' by name failed - no entry found under that name. Make sure that name is entered properly." may be raised for a select into query where dbo is specified as the table owner and the table contains a user defined datatype.
625010 An alter table command may hit error 14127 while dropping a partition due to the existence of a transient concurrent query normalization task.
675998 Job Scheduler Agent does not print error message number and other information like severity level, state, etc. to the sybmgmtdb..js_output table and/or job scheduler agent log file.
689056 An UPDATE that modifies more than one column may cause an infected with 11 (SIGSEGV) stacktrace in the module CgpPop::CgpInplaceUpdateVars.
689359 KBA 2092097. Sig 11 occurred when running a simple query where clause having 129 value lists IN. But having 128 value lists for the same query works fine without problem.
712089 Job Scheduler: jobs may fail to run if they require 'large identifiers'. Currently Job Task clients are limited to OpenClient 12.5 capabilities.
717101 The LogicalReads, PhysicalReads, PagesRead, PhysicalWrites and PagesWritten columns in monProcessActivity and the LogicalReads, PhysicalReads and PagesModified columns in monPrcessStatement and monSysStatement are changed from 32bit to 64bit.
720215 A 107 error, “The column prefix ' < tabname > ' does not match with a table name or alias name used in the query. Either the table is not specified in the FROM clause or it has a correlation name which must be used instead.”, may be reported on the standby SAP ASE when SQL Statement replication is enabled, during the execution of an UPDATE command that has a SET clause on a column with a rule defined on it.
737093 When a table is partitioned based on a list of values including the NULL value, the NULL value may be ignored when compared to NULL, leading to wrong results.
747441 When a database is in 'dbo use only', an infected with 11 (SIG SEGV) stacktrace may be reported in the SAP ASE errorlog, with the function crp_var() mentioned in the stacktrace.
759023 On AIX, increase limit of single shared memory segment size to 4TB.
762805 The query result of monProcessActivity.WaitTime is not correct in production system.
765578 A 702 error, “Memory request for 18096 bytes exceeds the size of single page of 16384 bytes.” may be reported in the SAP ASE error log with a stack trace which includes the modules ‘memalloc’ and 'LeSendRow::genRowFormats’ on a 16K page size dataserver when selecting more than 2048 columns while the configuration option 'streamlined dynamic SQL' is enabled.
767984 'DBCC NETMEMUSAGE' is missing information about 'network buffers'.
768303 sp_sysmon raises error message 1508, "Create index aborted on duplicate rows.", when creating clustered index with field_id column.
769081 On Linux Intel platform, following message may be seen in OS system log when starting SAP ASE "warning: process `dataserver' used the deprecated sysctl system call with 1.68."
770943 The database server cannot read SSL certificates with dates that exceed 2038.
774383 KBA 2110307. When a dynamic SQL with homogeneous batch parameters is executed and it's required to recompile, a 16817 error may occur if a config parameter "streamlined dynamic SQL" is OFF.
775625 A replicated password may be truncated last several bytes if the new login is added by sp_addlogin or the password is changed by sp_password.
775812 In a Multiple Paths Replication environment, when a transaction is rolled back to a savepoint, Replication Server may report error 9022 ("Cannot deliver a command from < RSname > . < pathname > since no transaction is open.").
777215 When a column datatype is LOB/varchar and there is implicit datatype conversion in a stored procedure where "LOB/varchar" is converted to "text", result fails if we renormalize the stored procedure or restore a db with the same proc. Handling of data type conversion from LOB to varchar in case of renormalization ( backup restore ) missing has been implemented.
778060 KBA 2122073. In some cases during boot time recovery the message “The server will recover databases serially." or "WARNING: The value of 'max concurrently recovered db' ( < value1 > ) exceeds the server resource limit ( < value2 > ). The server will limit the maximum number of recovery processes to < value2 > ." may be reported in the SAP ASE error log, resulting in fewer recovery internal tasks being spawned and less databases being concurrently recovered than expected.
778901 KBA 2127733 : The built-ins lct_admin() with “num_logpages” option, and loginfo() with “active_pages”, “inactive_pages”, or “total_pages” options, have been enhanced to improve performance execution by avoiding a log page scan from taking place when executed in a dedicated log database.
780617 When statement cache is on and JDBC option LITERAL_PARAMS is false, conversions between the following stored procedure parameter and registered callable statement return parameter may stack trace. This will occur in a conversion function such as com__datetodatea().
780628 Apf reads from some utility commands are not included in monProcessActivity.PhysicalReads or monProcessStatement.PhysicalReads.
780850 KBA 2141342 : The progress report during the execution of CREATE DATABASE may not always be accurate whereby the completion percentage reported value may not reach the value of 100%. Alternatively the same inaccuracy can be seen during the execution of ALTER DATABASE with the LOG OFF option, or during the execution of DROP DATABASE for a database which has holes.
782188 (KBA 2156958)error 225 when exec stored procedure after adding column in table of view
782398 Clients connected to SAP ASE running on the HP platform may get disconnected with the following message: Client Library error: severity(0) number(6) origin(3) layer(5) mesg (ct_results(): network packet layer: internal net library error: Net-Library operation terminated due to disconnect) OSerrno(0) OSerrstr( < none > )
783173 When replicated, a bulk writetext operation on an in-row LOB column causing the data to be placed off-row will generate a 'rs_writetext' LTL command with the wrong 'textlen'. As a consequence, the Replication Server DSI will shutdown with error 5163, "Text data is being converted from one character set to another. The length of the converted text data is longer than the length of the original text data times the config option 'dsi_text_convert_multiplier'. The value for the database ' < > ' is ' < > '. Please increase this value for the database and resume the DSI thread.".
783977 SAP ASE running in threaded kernel mode does not generate a shared memory dump on an RTC CtlibController thread even if certain CSMD conditions are met.
784192 (KBA 2171618)In rare circumstances, a 706 error, "Process * tried to remove PROC_HDR * that it does not hold in Pss" may be reported in error log for a process being killed.
784451 When "streamlined dynamic SQL" configuration option is active a statement involving a subquery which is executed inside a stored procedure could increase the memory of the whole stored procedure plan and keep the memory in use until the stored procedure finishes its execution.
788148 The shutdown of job scheduler will hang if Job Scheduler Agent's user connection failed with following error message repeated continuously in the JS Agent error log "Client message: ct_connect(): user api layer: internal Client Library error: Read from the server has timed out".
788291 If auditing is enabled when 'PREPARE DATABASE' is executed the audit event 96 for 'QUIESCE DATABASE' is instead generated and reported mistakenly when using a post-15.7.x SAP ASE version.
788427 In rare circumstances, during connection migration, "conn__migrate_delete_context: sysid < value > sesid < value > could not delete context" error may be reported in the error log.
789481 Sporadic signal 11 (SIGSEGV) assertion (in execproc()) while executing a procedure under statement_caching ON.
789675 The p_drv_bcpmetadata stored procedure is enhanced in order to improve the performance of jConnect ENABLE_BULK_LOAD.
790826 KBA 2279999. Query involving many tables gets error indicating maximum of 50 tables per query although DBCC SERVERLIMITS indicates limit is 512 (15.7) or 1023 (16.0).
791669 In rare circumstances, a process may hang in the module ‘cm_writelogdes_upto_sequence’ while concurrent sessions are executing DML commands. In the call stack of the hanging process the modules ‘xact_commit’ and ‘bufwritedes_log’ will also be reported.
792093 KBA 2243731 - The error "The 'read' call failed for database/archive device while working on stripe device ' < device name > ' with error number 22 (Invalid argument)" when a device is configured to use direct IO and the device block size is greater than 512 Bytes.
792268 When creating a proxy table on SAP ASE against an SAP IQ remote table, the column name is truncated if it is more than 30 bytes long.
793065 KBA 2252511: Kill spid in log suspect causes Error 4720 and failure to drop temp table
793280 dbcc_report.tcf{17} failed when update table.
793418 KBA 2256377 : Error 15497 with a message "The password for the master key of database 'database name' has not been set." may be raised when accessing encrypted columns in unattended start-up mode on HA secondary companion during failover mode.
793627 KBA 2258264 : During an SAP ASE upgrade from 15.7 SP122 version to SP132 or SP135 with SSL enabled, the database response time increase resulting in poor performance.
793910 Provide the ability to capture application workload with the Workload Analyzer feature. Note that analysis and replay of the workload is only supported by using the SAP ASE Cockpit component in an SAP ASE 16.0 SP02 GA or later release.
793959 KBA 2326973 : Due to isolevel change, LWPs don't store correct compile setting
794010 KBA 2304324 : When IMDB devices are configured, they may cause an error 12055 (System call < name > failed with error < n > .) to be reported when querying the monDeviceSpaceUsage MDA table.
794162 After large buffer pools are configured and db statistics are updated, the database server might report errors indicating that the buffer pools are under-configured. Increasing large buffer pool size does not fix the problem.
794772 The command DUMP TRANSACTION will incorrectly set an invalid, higher than expected, number of free log pages in its internal data structures, when executed after an ALTER DATABASE LOG OFF command that failed to remove a log fragment because some page in the requested page range is allocated. The same problem will happen if the log segment is dropped from a device that contains allocated log pages that become stranded.
794882 KBA 2269820: DBCC reports Invalid Column Length errors on syscomments in sybsystemprocs after installing or upgrading to SAP ASE releases at or above 15.7 SP133, 16.0 SP01 PL02, and 16.0 SP02. Error message number: 15946, 3 15946, 4
794981 The message "current process infected with 11 (SIGSEGV)" in the module ’kbfusage’ together with a stack trace which includes the modules ‘mda_populate_monMemoryUsage’ and ‘mda__MemUsg_one_FragmentPool’ may be reported in the SAP ASE error log while executing a query on the master..monMemoryUsage table. Alternatively a timeslice error in the same module ’kbfusage’ may be reported.
795008 SSL connection attempts will fail when a cipher suite which is not supported by TLS 1.0 such as TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_RC4_128_SHA.
795206 Timeslice stack trace problem happened during querying monThread.
795591 The client using SSL or non-TDS clients when disconnecting during login may cause the conn_hdlr task to remain in the database server with “MAINTENANCE TOKEN” state which can be seen in the 'sp_who' output.
795627 KBA 2277984 - monProcessSQLText contains less information after 15.7 SP111
795702 KBA 2281187. When using the XMLTABLE builtin, then a signal 11 (SIGSEGV) or signal 10 (SIGBUS) in the routine memtextlen(), with procedure cache memory pool corruption and with an infected with signal error reported in the routine mem_pageallocate() may be reported in the SAP ASE errorlog. Prior to this fix, if a related stored procedure has xml parameter (@var_xml text) and it has statement using XML builtin function XMLTABLE which uses parameter @var_xml, then please drop and recreate the procedure to use 'with recompile' option to avoid using cached query plan for the procedure.
795780 In rare circumstances, a 605 error "An attempt was made to fetch logical page < > from cache 'default data cache'. Page belongs to database < > , object < > , index < > , partition < > and not to database < > , object < > , index < > , partition < > ." may be reported in the SAP ASE error log during the execution of an online reorg rebuild command on a table whose descriptor is bound to the metadata objects cache.
795822 KBA 2281184 - sp_tempdb "bind" to bind a login may fail if tempdb is full.
795863 Multiple concurrent transaction dumps started while a full or cumulative dump is running can unnecessarily delay the latter command completion time.
795883 SAP ASE running on the IBM AIX platform may encounter signal 11 at usrcancel+0xb8() when processing a cancel request from old (pre TDS5) clients.
795886 KBA 2312920 - In rare circumstances, a timeslice error in the module 'bt__lockprevpg' together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'bt__pgdealloc' and 'hkgc_garbagecollect' may be reported in the SAP ASE error log while a heavy activity of concurrent DML commands on Data Only Locked tables is taking place that requires index pages to be shrunk.
796038 The overhead rate might become 100% at the beginning of a workload capture.
796082 KBA 2277965 : If we run out of log space while DUMP DATABASE is running, and the option 'allow incremental dumps' is enabled in the database, the command will hang at the end, holding several locks that prevent the log can either be truncated or extended.
796272 Add support for TLS 1.1 and 1.2.
796354 The execution of DUMP TRANSACTION or DUMP DATABASE while the database is offline may break the load sequence. In addition during ONLINE DATABASE this may cause the undo pass to be skipped mistakenly.
796429 Changes adding symbolic support for the SAP JRE HostAPI effectively evaluate system device path requests to platform mapped entries. As this does not match the SYBPCIDB specific administration it will cause trouble towards certain JRE provided frameworks like rmi. This problem does typically cause trouble under Sun Solaris.
796437 An infected with 11 (SIGSEGV) error in sort_set_psortstatus() and stacktrace may be reported when creating global index on partitioned table using parallel sort.
796550 The monProcessProcedures can't report correct ExecutionCount for trigger procedures.
796565 KBA 2290005: The embedded HTTP server for SAP ASE Webservices allows older ciphers and protocols that are now considered weak. Allow the HTTP server for SAP ASE Webservices to use the latest ciphers and protocols.
796642 The pssinfo() built-in option 'tdsvers' incorrectly returns the value of the SAP ASE TDS version instead of the client's TDS version.
796657 ODBC : 'sp_drv_getcomment' was causing a performance issue because of a table scan on the syscomments table.
796688 The job scheduler, when executing a job with sql containing '/' or '-' character which is not part of start of the comment, hangs with job state R1/R2 in sybmgmtdb..js_history.
796735 In rare circumstances, DUMP TRANSACTION may hang in the module ‘cm__waitfor_io’ while heavy activity of concurrent DML commands on Data Only Locked tables is taking place that requires index pages to be shrunk. This will prevent the log from being archived.
796782 A 840 error, “Device ' < > ' (with physical name ' < > ’, and virtual device number < > ) has not been correctly activated at startup time . . .” may incorrectly be reported while DUMP TRANSACTION with NO_TRUNCATE is executed on a database that has lost some of its data devices. This error will cause the DUMP command to fail.
796916 KBA 2294241: SAP ASE might encounter an infected with a signal 11 (SIGSEGV) in the function mda__traverse_lock_bucket when accessing the monLocks table. The stacktrace will be reported in the SAP ASE errorlog.
796970 In some circumstance, the monLockTimeout.HeldNumTimeoutsCausedByLock column might report an abnormal value.
796980 KBA 2297748 : Under rare circumstances, a 6902 error "Page timestamp value falls between the old and new timestamps from log. Page #=3, object id = 1, page timestamp= < ts > . Log: old timestamp= < ts2 > , new timestamp= < ts3 > . Log record marker..." may be reported in the SAP ASE error log for commands whose changes are mistakenly logged in a different database. Alternatively a 614 error "Adaptive Server accessed a row that has an illegal length of 0 while in data base ...", followed by a 3478 error "During undo the page timestamp value is less than new timestamp from log. Page #=22, object id = 2, page timestamp= < ts > . Log new timestamp= < ts > . Log record marker..." may be reported.
797119 A stored procedure execution may lead to an infected with signal 11 (SIGSEGV) when the stored procedure is created in same transaction for a database with 'ddl in tran' option set. Alternatively other system errors related to memory manager may be observed.
797184 Post commit shrink feature is disabled by default. To enable this feature, when instructed, bootstrap the SAP ASE dataserver with trace flag 3991, or execute on a live system the command ‘set switch serverwide on 3991 with override’.
797186 Post commit shrink is off by default on SAP ASE 15.7 SP137. On SAP ASE 16.0 S02 PL04, it is now enabled default.
797200 KBA 2305866. A 3906 error, "Attempt to BEGIN TRANSACTION in database ' < dbname > ' failed because database is READ ONLY." may be reported when a DUMP DATABASE is executed on a 'read only' database and the configuration option 'enable dump history' is set to 1.
797225 On SAP ASE 15.7 SP 136 SDC, in rare circumstances SIGSEGV in ubffreef is hit during connection migration.
797258 KBA 2298391: If a database is loaded onto another database with different layout, requiring the data and log devices to be remapped, the target database will lose all the user defined segments.
797430 In rare circumstances, SAP ASE may hang as a result of undetected deadlocks caused by a process that is queuing a ‘lock entry’ request to itself after hitting an error.
797492 An 814 error, “Keep count of buffer ' < > ' in cache ‘ < > ' holding logical page ‘ < > ’ in database ' < > ' has become negative” may be reported in the SAP ASE errorlog when an INSERT command is executed on a Data Only Locked Table.
797504 KBA 2302039 - Mutually exclusive LIKE clauses can hang connections
797534 Under rare circumstances the error "A01: SYBMULTBUF ERROR: Failed to write to copy device in" may be printed in the SAP ASE backup server error log when a database dump is loaded using the backup server API.
797539 The built-in ROW_COUNT() returns the value of zero rows for a system table mistakenly, when the database was created with the 'no_recovery' durability option.
797634 In rare circumstance, monProcessStatement.CpuTime will report an invalid value like 2007021037 for short running statements.
797662 KBA 2273536 : A 605 "An attempt was made to fetch logical page ' < n > ' from cache ' < a > '. Page belongs to < x > and not to < y > ." error on the sysgams system table may be reported following an ALTER DATABASE if the system segment had no free 8-page extents at the time of the ALTER DATABASE execution, and the new size of the database requires the allocation of new extents for SYSGAMS. This happens every 64GB in a 2K page size installation, 128GB in 4K, 256GB in 8K, and 512GB in 16K. The extent allocated to sysgams is overwritten by an extent allocated to sysdams system table.
797689 The sample API program pipedev.c fails to dump or load a database. The backup server errorlog will show the messages"SYBMULTBUF ERROR: Emulator interprocess communication failed with error state = 9, error code=0, system message=Pipe I/O returned 0 bytes.", followed by a set of messages "Error in srv_select() - file descriptor # is no longer active".
797750 The shutdown procedure of the SAP ASE may hang indefinitely or result in a crash whenever the ASE is 'shutdown with nowait' under server conditions where the SAP ASE has ASE_JAVA methods in execution under the PCA/JVM JRE. This problem only occurs for SAP ASE releases that have the SAP JRE integrated.
797757 KBA 2304599 - An undetected deadlock can occur between the Housekeeper process and another process trying to flush datachange counters to sysstatistics. Dbcc stacktrace on the spid trying to flush datachange counters will be sleeping on the routine ptn__datachange_reset.
797796 A 2824 error, "Process < spid > cannot hold PROC_BUF < address > named ' < name > ’ because it holds another PROC_BUF < address > named ' < name > '. A process can only hold one view, rule, or default at a time." may be reported in the SAP ASE error log during the server startup and while the RepAgent is attempting to replace a stored procedure buffer with the same buffer in a replicated database.
798089 KBA 2308401 : CPU usage may continue to peek or stay at 100% after a site handler timed out on HP Itanium platforms.
798136 JConnect : @srv_verison was calculated incorrectly.
798160 Under very rare circumstances SAP ASE may hit a timeslice error while releasing a spinlock and there after could hit multiple timeslice errors eventually requiring server reboot.
798209 SAP ASE hits a stack trace in the function ktMuxThreadGetSchedQ during shutdown.
798271 The errors 14545, 14547 and 14519 will be raised by MOUNT DATABASE if the unmounted database had previously been mounted on a server where the database ID was used and a new database ID was assigned, and this database was extended without previously running DBCC CHECKALLOC(dbname, fix). Additionally, two new options have been added to the MOUNT command: WITH FIXDBID, to instruct the MOUNT command to fix any possible database ID mismatch, and WITH ALLOW_DBID_MISMATCH, to prevent that MOUNT DATABASE fails if the database has different database ID values in the allocation pages.
798285 KBA 2311800. Prior to 15.7 ESD#2, statements such as "select upper(c1) from t1" (where c1 is a column containing utf8 data that includes at least one row with a bad value) would raise error 2431 with severity 10, return a NULL for the bad value, and complete processing the result set. In ESD#2 and higher, SAP ASE now raises error 1579 with severity 16 instead of 2431 with severity 10, causing the statement to be aborted. This CR is a request for an option to revert to the earlier behavior.
798691 Error 11060 reported for maximum number of recompilations(10) for the isolation level 0 transaction
798774 The message "current process infected with 11" in the module 'objSendString' together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'LeSendRow::_sendColsToClient' and 'exec_lava' may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when a select query is executed which retrieves a NULL Java string value.
798819 For Linux and Solaris, added means of handling a secondary failure in the spid fatal signal handler (i.e. handler for SIGSEGV, SIGBUS etc) for the SAP ASE dataserver.
798866 KBA 2319128 If parameters "abstract plan load" and "enable literal autoparam" are on, error 207 might be seen during procedure creation which uses a subquery and order by a column reference or calculation. Alternately, error 411 can be raised from a compute clause during procedure creation.
798869 KBA 2359143. In rare circumstances, the message "Current process < > infected with signal 11 (SIGSEGV)" may be reported in SAP ASE error log with function cm_grabmem_clock() show in the stack in error log while sp_poolconfig was being used in parallel to configure buffer cache pools.
798949 In rare circumstances, a 614 error "Adaptive Server accessed a row that has an illegal length of < value > ..." may be reported on IMDB temporary database.
798961 License heartbeat reported to crash ASE in keipanic
798991 Errors like 692/696 on worktables leads to the recursive deallocations leading to error 803.
799006 KBA2332768: Error 692 or 696 may be reported on worktables. A 692 error is of the form "Uninitialized logical page < n > was read while accessing < name > . Please contact SAP Technical Support.". A 696 error is of the form "An attempt was made to fetch logical page < n > from cache < cache > . Page belongs to < name1 > and not to < name2 > . Restart of SAP ASE will clear the error. Please contact your System Administrator for help.".
799039 KBA2231450 When a large IN List is used in conjunction with a LIKE clause, it does not qualify for Large IN List Optimization, leading to large consumption of procedure cache memory during compilation.
799057 Command line (boot time) trace flag 16939 has been added, which when enabled, will suppress showplan information (from a set showplan on) when executing system stored procedures.
799170 For Linux and Solaris, 2 new configuration parameters 'sigstack min size' and 'sigstack csmd min size' are introduced in order to configure the minimum amount of stack needed for handling an address violation signal for the SAP ASE dataserver. A task which incurs an address violation and does not dispose of the required amount of free stack will be transformed into a zombie task. It is advised to contact SAP technical support before modifying these configuration parameters. This feature can be disabled via trace flag 2913.
799273 When a database containing log or data holes is unmounted and mounted back, the information of the hole type that is stored in the location field the table master..sysusages is lost.
799304 KBA 2347547. In an SAP ASE configured for multiple temporary databases, a performance impact can be seen during a check to determine whether a user defined tempdb is an in-memory user defined tempdb. The user defined tempdb does not need to be an in-memory tempdb in order to be impacted. A lot of iterations over the sequence tree or query plan (however not common for most customers) can lead to the performance degradation.
799359 A 1514 error, "Sort failed because it attempted to allocate page < pgid > and found that the page was busy. Buffer < address > contains a cached ...", may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when sort transactions on very large tables or worktables are rolled back in databases that have mixed-log-and-data.
799370 When lots of procedure cache memory is consumed during a query execution, there is no wait may not be possible to kill the spid which is grabbing memory.
799605 KBA 2329834 : XP Server logs incomplete messages on Windows 64bit.
799747 KBA 2387517 -- A segmentation violation followed by a stack trace that contains the module 'am__chain_extent_count' may be raised if the system table SYSGAMS or SYSDAMS is corrupted and it contains more pages than the maximum allowed for these tables. The maximum number of pages allowed for SYSGAMS is 1048 and for SYSDAMS is 2096.
799751 KBA 2340330 : The message, "Current process infected with signal 11 (SIGSEGV)", followed by a stack trace that includes the module 'sendtext' may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when a UNION ALL along with an ORDER BY is being used and if the outer table has in-row LOB columns with NULL values.
799835 In a HADR environment, after running sap_teardown on the RMA, @@hadr_state returned by SAP ASE indicates 2 (INACTIVE).
799907 KBA2388707 With statement cache turned on, a long query might need long time to save the statement into statement cache.
799955 KBA 2337117 - SAP ASE may raise error 622 when DML is performed against a table that has a trigger and a materialized view that depends on the table. The error leaves the table marked as being in use.
800190 When SAP ASE is upgraded from prior to 15.5 to 15.5 or later releases then stored procedure sp_helpcache displays Config Size of 'default data cache' as 0 Mb".
800204 KBA 2340669 - Clients may hang against Solaris X64 SAP ASE
800405 A spurious 691 error, "Encountered invalid logical page '0' while accessing database ' < dbname > ( < dbid > ), object 'syslogs' (8), index 'syslogs' (0), partition 'syslogs_8' (8). This is an internal system error. Please contact SAP Technical Support" may be reported when running the built-in loginfo( < dbid > , "inactive_pages") when a secondary truncation point exists in this database but there is no oldest active transaction present.



  • SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) 15.7 SP138
  • AIX 64bit
  • HP-UX on IA64 64bit
  • Linux on Power 64bit
  • Linux on x86 64 64bit
  • Solaris on Sparc 64bit
  • Solaris on x86 64 64bit
  • Windows on x64 64bit


SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise 15.7 ; SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise 15.7 Cluster Edition


"Change Request", Fix, Patch, Error, Bug, EBF, SP, PL , KBA , BC-SYB-ASE , Sybase ASE Database Platform (non Business Suite) , BC-DB-SYB , Business Suite on Adaptive Server Enterprise , BC-SYB-ASE-CE , ASE Cluster Edition (Standalone) , BW-SYS-DB-SYB , BW on Adaptive Server Enterprise , Problem

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