*System-Info : IQ16 SP11 on AIX
*Problem :
Suddenly,via DBISQL, an existing procedure returns incorrect result that has only
one column, it sould send 8 columns. But DBisqlC and ISQL always returns correct restult set.
This strange behavior appears after the procedure has been worked for around 8 hours.
Before and after the odd behavior, there was not written errors.
To resolve this status, currently possible ways are restarting server or recreating the procedure.
But customer doesn't accept this ways. It needs to be better W/A or resolution.
Following is detail analysis.
*Analysis : Symptom descriptions
-. When a procedure 'ah_GetPreCalc' was executed, it returned 188 result rows with 8 columns.
The procedure calls sub-procedures inside the contents.
-. A batch script call procedure 'ah_GetPreCalc' repetedly with loopping.
After about 8 hours later, the incorrect problem is reproduced.
the same 'ah_GetPreCalc' proc now returns only one column and 188 rows.
-. This partitial column returned status is reproduced only when DBisql util is used.
But isql or DBisqlC always returns correct whole columns, under DBisql shows odd behavior.
-. While 'ah_GetPreCalc' has a problem, if i create another proc which is same with 'ah_GetPreCalc' and
executed the new proc -- called as 'ah_GetPreCalc_2', the 'ah_GetPreCalc_2' showes correct 8 columns.
-. Seeing query plan of each good and incorrect result, plan looks identical and nothing difference.
Plan says 8 columns are displayed.
-. If db is restarted, the odd symptom is disappeared.
Also as long as the proc 'ah_GetPreCalc' is recreated, it returns correct set again.
-. Customer said this application was worked well in IQ12.7.
-. We have repro in-house 'INDIGO6' server. See 'Repro_steps.txt' in case dir.
I guess followings on this issue.
- I'm supposed that it has nothing to do with DB options, user settings, procedure definition and data...etc
- Maybe, a certain internal resource which is related to procedure might be exceeded a threshold.
- ... etc
Following of both good and bad.
Correct result =>
I. 05/30 18:16:32. 0000000045 [20535]: Query Plan:
I. 05/30 18:16:32. 0000000045 [20535]: 0 #05: Root
I. 05/30 18:16:32. 0000000045 [20535]: Child Node 1: #06
I. 05/30 18:16:32. 0000000045 [20535]: Generated Result Rows: 188
I. 05/30 18:16:32. 0000000045 [20535]: Estimated Result Rows: 188
I. 05/30 18:16:32. 0000000045 [20535]: Option String_rtruncation: OFF
I. 05/30 18:16:32. 0000000045 [20535]: Output Vector: 9 entries (24 data bytes)
Incorrect result =>
I. 05/30 17:03:27. 0000174862 [20535]: Query Plan:
I. 05/30 17:03:27. 0000174862 [20535]: 0 #05: Root
I. 05/30 17:03:27. 0000174862 [20535]: Child Node 1: #06
I. 05/30 17:03:27. 0000174862 [20535]: Generated Result Rows: 188
I. 05/30 17:03:27. 0000174862 [20535]: Estimated Result Rows: 188
I. 05/30 17:03:27. 0000174862 [20535]: Option String_rtruncation: OFF
I. 05/30 17:03:27. 0000174862 [20535]: Output Vector: 9 entries (24 data bytes)
IQ 16.0 SP11
"Incorrect result count"; "less columns are returned" ; "incorrect result" ; , KBA , BC-SYB-IQ , Sybase IQ , Problem
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