- Job with multiple data transfer transforms tries to push down a table to a datastore that it cannot create tables to.
- Data_Transfer transform creating objects in a datastore that is not used in the job.
- Error: "Loader <objectname>_1_DT__4507_833_1_2 ODBC data source <incorrect datastore> error message for operation <SQLPrepare>: <[Teradata][ODBC Teradata Driver][Teradata Database] Object '<schema>.DT__4507_833_1_2' does not exist. >."
- Check optimized sql and a datastore that is not used within the job is used for the data_transfer.
SAP Data Services
SAP Data Services all versions
DS, dsxi, DT , KBA , EIM-DS-EXE , Job Execution , EIM-DS , Data Services , Problem
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