From the EAServer log file, it shows warning messages where an IP address is trying to access the session that belongs to the address of another IP address.
Is there a way to turn these warning messages off?
- WARN pool-2-thread-26 [SybSessionHandler] IP address <ip address> is trying to access the session 1o0lt63zbpwz71mvz70khx61bh that belongs to the address <ip adress>.
- WARN pool-2-thread-26 [SybSessionHandler] Session with session ID = 1o0lt63zbpwz71mvz70khx61bh was invalidated because the IP address where it was created does not match the current IP address.
SY EAServer 6.3.1
Sybase EAServer 6.3
eas,easerver,session, warning,log,ip address,invalidate,match , KBA , BC-SYB-EAS , EAServer , How To
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