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2325830 - IQ could start with -tl 0 while default is 2 mins - SAP IQ16 SP10.x


By default, the liveness time out is 2 mins for IQ to check for client connection liveness every 2 mins.

On IQ16 SP10.x, IQ starts without liveness time out check: -tl 0.
Thus dead connections could be still considered as alive and still listed in sp_iqconnection until IQ shutdown.

This could cause "Max connections exceeded" error and new conenctions wouldn't be able to be established.



  • IQ 16 SP 10 PL 10
  • IQ 16 SP 11

The issue was not on IQ 16 SP 4.


SAP IQ 16.0


CR 797461 ; 797461 ; -tl 0 ; liveness time out ; sp_iqconnection ; dead ; connections ; default.cfg ; , KBA , BC-SYB-IQ , Sybase IQ , Problem

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