- "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" error message displayed, while attempting to logon/connect from Live office via MS office to the Business Intelligence Platform
- "Logon" button not changes to "Logoff" when connecting to BI PLatform from Live Office addin at Application Options -> Enterprise tab
- The following entires appears in the LO trace file:
ERROR [DATE of EXECUTION] [37756]: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at BusinessObjects.LiveOffice.LiveOfficeUI.UREHelper.setupSession(UniversalRepositoryExplorer ure)
at BusinessObjects.LiveOffice.LiveOfficeUI.UREHelper.SetupBasic(UniversalRepositoryExplorer ure, Int32 columns, Boolean readonlyMode)
at BusinessObjects.LiveOffice.LiveOfficeUI.SaveAndOpenDlg.Initialize(IBaseAddinInterface crystalAddin, String webServiceURL, String sessionID, Boolean isOpen)
at BusinessObjects.LiveOffice.LiveOfficeUI.AddinFramework.AddinFramework.ShowSaveAndOpen(Int32 hWnd, Boolean isOpen, String defaultFileName, IBaseAddinInterface crystalAddin, String& cuid, String& fileName, RunModeEnum& runMode)
- SAP BusinessObjects Live Office 4.1 SP6 or higher
- SAP BusinessObjects Live Office 4.2
- SAP BusinessObjects Live Office 4.3
- Microsoft Office 2010 or higher
LO, setupSession
- SAP BusinessObjects Live Office 4.2
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