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2327416 - Error occurs during MTI_SAP_COM~TC~KMC~RF~UMMIG


In the phase Run Source Online Migration step, you are getting the error below in the file MTI_SAP_COM~TC~KMC~RF~UMMIG~JMT_ONLINE_ENGINE_MC_XX.ERR.

[TIMESTAMP] [Thread[main,5,main]] Error: Error while migrating controller CSN component - EP-KM-MIG . Reason: RMI remote call exception. java.sql.SQLException: error when writing principal mapping table ( The SQL statement "INSERT INTO "KMC_UPGRADE_UM" ("EP5NAME","EP5TYPE","UMEID","UMENAME") VALUES (?,?,?,?)" contains the semantics error[s]: - 1:13 - the table or view >>KMC_UPGRADE_UM<< does not exist).

[TIMESTAMP] [Thread[main,5,main]] Info: Executing migration controller CSN component for this controller - EP-KM-MIG.

[TIMESTAMP] [Thread[main,5,main]] Info: Add migration controller data in JMT data model.

[TIMESTAMP] [Thread[main,5,main]] Info: The migration controller data is saved in the JMT data model.

mig_jmt.online_engine_mc [Thread[main,5,main]] Info: Error while migrating controller CSN component - EP-KM-MIG . Reason: RMI remote call exception. java.sql.SQLException: error when writing principal mapping table ( The SQL statement "INSERT INTO "KMC_UPGRADE_UM" ("EP5NAME","EP5TYPE","UMEID","UMENAME") VALUES (?,?,?,?)" contains the semantics error[s]: - 1:13 - the table or view >>KMC_UPGRADE_UM<< does not exist).



  • SAP NetWeaver 7.0
  • SAP enhancement package 1 for SAP NetWeaver 7.0
  • SAP enhancement package 2 for SAP NetWeaver 7.0


SAP NetWeaver 7.0 ; SAP enhancement package 1 for SAP NetWeaver 7.0 ; SAP enhancement package 2 for SAP NetWeaver 7.0


KM, upgrade, update, system error, table, online upgrade, deployment, deploy, scratch, Knowledge Management, 701, 702 , KBA , EP-KM-MIG , Migrations , Problem

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