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2327847 - Logical path does not point to physical directory


You are uploading data, inventory etc through transaction and LSMW is not able to pull the logical path/file information for the converted file. You are still getting the following errors even after consulting Note 753511:

  • The logical path <PATH> does not point to physical directory.
  • The logical file <FILE> is not assigned to the physical file.
  • The logical path <PATH> does not exist.
  • The logical path <PATH> does not exist for this operating system.




Release Independent


SAP NetWeaver all versions


/SAPDMC/LSMW_OBJ_060, /SAPDMC/LSMW_OBJ_060046; Message no. E0370 , KBA , BC-SRV-DX-LSM , Legacy System Migration Workbench , Problem

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