SAP Knowledge Base Article - Preview

2327913 - SCU0: Incorrect table comparison results between clients


You are comparing the contents of Customizing tables or views between clients with transaction SCU0  or SCMP.
But you are getting incorrect comparison results:

      - The result list contains totally mixed rows, e.g. key fields are not fitted or missing differences.
      - ALL entries of the comparison system or client are shown in the result list.



This KBA applies to all SAP Products based on NetWeaver and S4H.


SCU0, OY19, SCMP, SM34, SM30, SM31, System comparison, Mandantenvergleich, Customizing-Vergleich, Vergleichssystem, Pflegeview, Pflegedialog, Customizingtabellen, Customizing view, Maintenanace dialog, Custominig tables, Maintenance view, Client dependent Tables entries, Mandantenabhängige Tabelleneinträge, Display Table Entries of all Clients, Tabelleneinträge von alle Mandanten, Client Specified, Anzeigen von mandantenabhängiger Tabelleneinträge, Customizing comparison, Table comparison, Tabellenvergleich, Customizing Cross System Viewer,  Comparison client , KBA , BC-CUS-TOL-CST , Customizing Cross-System Tools , Problem

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