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2328176 - Error code 0x800706BE in Activity Reassignment PCM


  • When clicking on any child Acivity item in "Activity Reassignment" screen, an error raised  :
    Error -(800706be) The remote procedure call failed.


An error has occurred.
Error -(800706be) The remote procedure call failed.
Details contained in the file -'D:\PCMTemp\Logs\PCMError.Log'.
Call stack:
:0065DD84 [PCMUI.exe] TPPWin32DataSource::Get_ParentChild (PPDataSources.pas, line 1469)
:758FC41F [KERNELBASE.dll]
:0065DD84 [PCMUI.exe] TPPWin32DataSource::Get_ParentChild (PPDataSources.pas, line 1469)
:0055453B [PCMUI.exe] CreateSafeCallErrorExceptionObject
:0055456C [PCMUI.exe] CreateSafeCallErrorExceptionObject
Recursive call (3 times):
:0065DD84 [PCMUI.exe] TPPWin32DataSource::Get_ParentChild (PPDataSources.pas, line 1469)
:00796E5E [PCMUI.exe] TEPOTreeBuilder::GetParentChildData (EPOTreeBuilder.pas, line 201)
:00796FFC [PCMUI.exe] TEPOTreeBuilder::GetChildCount (EPOTreeBuilder.pas, line 269)
:00796FA3 [PCMUI.exe] TEPOTreeBuilder::ConnectTree (EPOTreeBuilder.pas, line 253)
:00F859A5 [PCMUI.exe] TfrmEPOActivityReallocation::treeActivitiesChange (EPOActivityReallocation.pas, line 965)
:005DA127 [PCMUI.exe] TBaseVirtualTree::DoChange (VirtualTrees.pas, line 20603)
:005D8E33 [PCMUI.exe] TBaseVirtualTree::Change (VirtualTrees.pas, line 19706)
:005D84B9 [PCMUI.exe] TBaseVirtualTree::AddToSelection (VirtualTrees.pas, line 19342)
:005DF2F9 [PCMUI.exe] TBaseVirtualTree::HandleMouseDown (VirtualTrees.pas, line 23598)
:005D742E [PCMUI.exe] TBaseVirtualTree::WMLButtonDown (VirtualTrees.pas, line 18716)
:005D743D [PCMUI.exe] TBaseVirtualTree::WMLButtonDown (VirtualTrees.pas, line 18717)
:0051839B [PCMUI.exe] TControl::WndProc
:005CC8FD [PCMUI.exe] TVTHeader::DetermineSplitterIndex (VirtualTrees.pas, line 11695)
:757562D5 [USER32.dll]
:0068207A [PCMUI.exe] ApplicationGetMessageMsgHookProc (cxContainer.pas, line 6285)
:75748C7F [USER32.dll]
:005CB325 [PCMUI.exe] TVirtualTreeColumns::GetVisibleFixedWidth (VirtualTrees.pas, line 10771)
:0051C541 [PCMUI.exe] TWinControl::IsControlMouseMsg
:005CD223 [PCMUI.exe] HSPlitterHit (VirtualTrees.pas, line 12103)
:005CD7D2 [PCMUI.exe] TVTHeader::HandleMessage (VirtualTrees.pas, line 12230)
:0051CC61 [PCMUI.exe] TWinControl::WndProc
:005E33DF [PCMUI.exe] TBaseVirtualTree::WndProc (VirtualTrees.pas, line 26289)
:00B46D1D [PCMUI.exe] TPPVirtualStringTree::WndProc (PPVirtualEditTree.pas, line 329)
:0C949132 [PCMVIE~1.DLL]
:0051C2FF [PCMUI.exe] TWinControl::MainWndProc
:0045612A [PCMUI.exe] StdWndProc
$00400000 (00400000,00001000,00CA6A00) C:\Program Files (x86)\SAP BusinessObjects\PCM\PCMUI.exe
$758F0000 (758F0000,00001000,0003F800) C:\Windows\syswow64\KERNELBASE.dll
$75730000 (75730000,00010000,0006CC00) C:\Windows\syswow64\USER32.dll
$0C350000 (00400000,00001000,006EDA00) C:\PROGRA~2\SAPBUS~1\PCM\PCMVIE~1.DLL
$75B30000 (75B30000,00010000,000D0000) C:\Windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll
$77B70000 (77B70000,00010000,000D5C00) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ntdll.dll

  • This error occurs for only one specific model, for any users, on any client PCM workstation and PCM primary server

Image/data in this KBA is from SAP internal systems, sample data, or demo systems. Any resemblance to real data is purely coincidental. 



  • SAP BusinessObjects Profitability and Cost Management 10 onwards including Support Packages (SAP EPM PCM)


SAP Profitability and Cost Management all versions


0x800706BE, Error -(800706be), remote procedure call failed, Get_ParentChild, PCMUI.exe, GetVisibleFixedWidth, CreateSafeCallErrorExceptionObject, reassignment, Parent child , KBA , EPM-PCM , Profitability and Cost Management, EPO, PP, AA, Metify , Problem

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