SAP Knowledge Base Article - Preview

2328246 - Runtime error occurs when transferring records to Excel


You are facing problem when transferring records to Excel in background.

This can be caused in following scenario:

You are executing your own report which internally calls XXL_FULL_API function module or the XXL interface.
The records in excel did not appear correctly, e.g. you are getting some of the characters as junk characters(#).



SAP GUI For Windows
Office Integration


XXL_FULL_API, download data in background,  XXL list object, XXL list viewer, UPLOAD_XLS_FILE_2_ITAB,  XXL export, SOFFICEINTEGRATION898 , XXL interface,  KCD_EXCEL_OLE_TO_INT_CONVERT,  front end, Unknown error, Microsoft Office Excel , KBA , BC-FES-XXL , XXL List Viewer/Lotus Connections , BC-FES-GUI , SAP GUI for Windows , BC-FES-CTL , SAP GUI for Windows Controls , BC-BMT-OM , Organizational Management , BC-SRV-ALV , SAP List Viewer , BC-FES-OFFI , SAP Desktop Office Integration , CA-BK , Bank , EC-EIS-DCM , Data Collection , FIN-FSCM-CM , Cash Management , XX-EOD-FIN-FSCM , Financial Supply Chain Management , Problem

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