Software Update Manager (SUM) throws the below error in the phase ADAPT-PROFILES (Logfile: <Path to SUM>/SUM/sdt/log/SUM/ADAPT-PROFILES_XX.LOG)
May 21, 2016 8:34:05 AM [Error ]: The following problem has occurred during step execution: Error while executing Task with input file AdaptProfiles.xml and task ADAPT_PROFILES.
Could not build configuration from input file <Path to SUM>/SUM/sdt/config/AdaptProfiles.xml.
Error while expanding variable.
The value for SapJvmVersion is not present in the data model.
Deploy or Switch based upgrade of a JAVA system with SUM.
ADAPT-PROFILES, ADAPT_PROFILES, AdaptProfiles.xml, "Could not build configuration from input file", "SapJvmVersion", "Error while expanding variable", READ-BASE-JVM-PROFILES, , KBA , BC-UPG-TLS-TLJ , Upgrade tools for Java , Problem
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