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2330258 - SMP database containing logically deleted rows not purged automatically - SMP


A dbunload was performed and has taken 46 hours to complete.
The purpose would be to reduce the size of the database so that any further dbunload will perform faster.
There are some tables which have a large amount of logically deleted data. 
Expected that the synchronization cleanup job would remove the logically deleted data but it does not.
It has also been noted that the SK Tracking table for a certain MBO has 19,870,229 records with the first_added date set as ‘1900-01-01 00:00:00.000’. 
How to remove the logically deleted rows and if there is an error in the SK Tracking table?



  • SAP Mobile Platform (SMP) 2.3 SP06


SAP Mobile Platform 2.3


KBA , logically , purge , huge , table , size , performance , cachedb , defaultdb , cleanup , dcn , sk , deleted , 1900 , MOB-SUP , Sybase Unwired Platform , Problem

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