During the conversion to S/4HANA 1511, in phase MAIN_NEWBAS/RUN_RENAME_KONV_AVOID_CONVERS, upgrade process fails.
From the log files, you can find the following content.
4 ETG039 --------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
4 ETG012 "Start renaming DB table KONV" "(to avoid conversion of KONV)."
4 ETG013 "Table KONV" "successfully renamed to" "~KONV_BCK1511"
4 ETG012 "Table ~KONV_BCK1511:" "1 DB index exists."
4 ETG013 "Index KONV~0" "successfully renamed to" "~KONV_BCK1511~0"
4 ETG012 "Empty table KONV" "successfully created."
4 ETG012 "Table KONV:" "No TBATG entries found."
2EETG012 "Table KONV:" "DDXTT modeflag can not be set to 'A'."
4 ETG012 "End of renaming DB table KONV" "(to avoid conversion of KONV). "
4 ETG039 --------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
MAIN_NEWBAS/RUN_RENAME_KONV_AVOID_CONVERS, S/4HANA conversion, KONV, DDXTT modeflag can not be set to 'A' , KBA , BC-UPG-TLS-TLA , Upgrade tools for ABAP , Problem
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