You wish to download EEM Recorder or EEM Editor from the Solution Manager 7.1 Technical Monitoring -> End-User Experience -> Step 3. Script Management - 3.1 Create Scripts.
When selecting the archive you see an error from BSP which mentions an object not being valid in the URL.
"Image/data in this KBA is from SAP internal systems, sample data, or demo systems. Any resemblance to real data is purely coincidental."
Solution Manager 7.1
EEM Recorder, EEM Editor, BSP error, Business Server Page, error, Object not valid, BSP Page was terminated, BSP Exception, BSP Exception: The object default.htm in the URL /sap/bc/bsp/sap/ai_tools_dnld/default.htm? is not valid , KBA , SV-SMG-MON-EEM , End User Experience Monitoring , SV-SMG-DIA-APP , Applications , How To
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