This document describes the fonts supported in the Learning system regarding custom reports.
SAP SuccessFactors Learning
Reproducing the Issue
When building or editing a report in Plateau Report Designer (PRD) we will be offered a set of fonts that will be displayed in the Design Time window mode and in the Preview, but that might not be displayed when the report is exported into the Learning instance.
This occurs because the fonts displayed on the Design Time window and the Preview are installed and available on our system. But when the report is exported into the Learning instance, the fonts supported are limited depending on the report format.
To design/edit a report that will be represented in the Learning instance as in PRD you will have to use the supported fonts.
The following are the supported fonts listed by report format.
When using the CSV format, the output file will be a plain text file, which will have no formatting, therefore, there are no fonts for this type of file. This is a standard that is not defined by the Learning or the PRD.
The Learning uses a third party tool to convert the report output into a PDF file. This tool is installed on the server side and the font installed and supported for this format is the Arial Unicode font. If a report is designed with any other font type, the tool will render it into a "Times New Roman" like font, since this is the designed behavior of the tool. Currently there are no plans to have more fonts supported for the PDF format. However, you can always check our community for enhancement requests bout this.
When selecting HTML as output format, the fonts supported will be the "Web safe fonts" or "Browser Fonts". Web safe fonts are fonts that are pre-installed by many operating systems. While not all systems have the same fonts installed, you can use a web safe fonts to choose several fonts that look similar so your report output can be represented accurately. This list is not managed by the Learning or PRD, is a web standard:
Sans-serif |
Serif |
Monospaced |
Fantasy |
Script |
Arial |
Big Caslon |
Consolas |
Copperplate |
Brush Script MT |
Arial Black |
Bodoni MT |
Courier New |
Papyrus |
Arial Narrow |
Book Antiqua |
Lucida Console |
Arial Rounded MT Bold |
Calisto MT |
Lucida Sans Typewriter |
Avant Garde |
Cambria |
Monaco |
Calibri |
Didot |
Andale Mono |
Candara |
Garamond |
Century Gothic |
Georgia |
Franklin Gothic Medium |
Goudy Old Style |
Futura |
Hoefler Text |
Geneva |
Lucida Bright |
Gill Sans |
Palatino |
Helvetica |
Perpetua |
Impact |
Rockwell |
Lucida Grande |
Rockwell Extra Bold |
Optima |
Baskerville |
Segoe UI |
Times New Roman |
Tahoma |
Trebuchet MS |
Verdana |
font, custom, report, import, learning, lms , KBA , LOD-SF-LMS , Learning Management System , LOD-SF-LMS-REP , Reporting Data , LOD-SF-LMS-PRD , VJDBC Setup or Connection Issues , Problem