You want to migrate from the old payroll calculation schema for Ukraine UA00 to the new Redesign payroll schema UA36. During the transition phase, it is needed to ensure the continuity of the payroll process.
The standard solution provides the following features:
The payroll functions, with the implementation of a dual code (for the old solutions and redesign solutions) can execute the correct code depending on the value of the global parameter "Activation of the new scheme" (gv_new_schema_on).
The parameter "activation of the new scheme" (gv_new_schema_on) is set in initialization program depending on the value of the corresponding switch (SCHEM) in the table T5F99K2 on the date on selection screen of certain calculation period (or on the date of off-cycle).
The current implementation of the standard solutions provides the payroll run for all periods calculated in one algorithm (or redesign or old). There is no special transitional scheme to be able to use both algorithms (redesign and old) in the standard.
The one of the idea that customers can take in their "transition" projects is to develop «dual»-scheme, which will "switch" to the old / new logic, based on the value SCHEM the switch for the relevant period
- SAP ERP 6.0 and higher
- SAP HCM-UA:Payroll
UA00, UA36, Payroll UA, Payroll Ukraine, Redesign , KBA , PY-UA , Ukraine , PA-PA-UA , Ukraine , How To
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