While executing a Fox Formula using PAK, the values are getting with incorrect data and displaying all zeros. See example below from a query using transaction RSRT*:
The same issue will NOT occur if the planning sequence is executed without PAK using ABAP only (running a planning sequence with trace will be executing it with no PAK/HANA):
*This can be observed using an RSTT trace too as the issue occurs during the execution of the FOX Formula and not while saving the planning buffer.
SAP Business Warehouse powered by HANA
FOX scripts, special feature of FOX, semantics, PAK issues with planning, divide planning by zero, divide planning by 0, overflow diving by zero, null value instead of zeros in planning, zero values instead of real values in planning, FOX formula, PAK problems with planning , KBA , BW-PLA-IP , Integrated Planning , BW-BEX-OT , OLAP Technology , BW-BEX-OT-OLAP , Analyzing Data , BW-PLA-IP-PQ , Planquery / manual planning , BW-PLA-IP-PF , Planning Functions and Planning Sequences , HAN-DB-ENG-PLE , SAP HANA Planning Engine , Problem
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